16.12 Normalize


Normailize 01.png
There are two user-interface tools that normalize data; one for worksheet data and one for plotted data. The output from both is similar and both are documented in this topic. For specific information, consult the Reference pages for these two X-Functions:

To Normalize Your Data
  1. When a worksheet is active, click Analysis: Mathematics: Normalize Columns...


  1. When a graph window is active, click Analysis: Mathematics: Normalize Curves...

Dialog Options


Controls recalculation of analysis results

  • None
  • Auto
  • Manual

For more information, see: Recalculating Analysis Results

Input Define your input data.

For help with range controls, see: Specifying Your Input Data

Treat Input as One Composite Dataset Specify whether to treat all input dataset as one composite dataset. This option is not available when Normalize Methods is Divided by a Specified Value, Divided by Reference Cell and Normalize to Point Picked from Graph.

For example, when you can select two columns (Column A and B) as input datasets, and hope to divide data by the max value.
If not check this option, it will divide Col(A) data by max value in Col(A), and divide Col(B) data by max value in Col(B) .
If check this option, it will get the statistics quantity from the composite dataset, then divide two columns data by max value in two columns.

Group Multiple grouping columns containing grouping information can be inserted into the Group box. Different grouping values indicate the data in the corresponding cells are from different groups.
Normalize Methods
Divided by a Specified Value
Divide the column or the curve by the User Defined Value (see below).
Normalize to [0, 1]
Normalize data to the range 0 to 1.
Normalize to [0, 100]
Normalize data to the range 0 to 100.
Normalize to [v1, v2]
Normalize data to the range to a user-defined range of values.
Z Scores (standardize to N(0, 1))
Normalize data to the standard normal distribution.
Divided by Max
Divide the column or curve by the dataset maximum value.
Divided by Min
Divide the column or curve by the dataset minimum value.
Divided by Mean
Divide the column or curve by the dataset mean value.
Divided by Median
Divide the column or curve by the dataset median value.
Divided by SD
Divide the column or curve by the dataset standard deviation.
Divided by Norm
Divide the column or curve by the dataset norm.
Divided by Mode
Divide the column or curve by the dataset mode.
Divided by Sum
Divide the column or curve by the dataset sum.
Use Reference Plot / Use Reference Column
Normalize input data to condition specified by the Normalize To list (see below).
Divided by Reference Cell
Divide the column by a reference cell value.
Normalize to Point Picked from Graph
Divide the curve by a point picked from a curve.
User Defined Value

Enter a value. Use when Normalize Methods = Divided by a specified value.

v1, v2

Available when Normalize Methods = Normalize to [v1, v2]. Define a range of values, inclusive of v1 and v2.

Reference Column / Reference Plot

Name a worksheet column or reference plot.

Normalize to

Used when Normalize Methods = Use Reference Column or Use Reference Plot:

  • Min: Normalize input by setting dataset min to that of reference column/plot.
  • Max: Normalize input by setting dataset max to that of reference column/plot.
  • Mean: Normalize input by setting dataset mean to that of reference column/plot.
  • Median: Normalize input by setting dataset median to that of reference column/plot.
  • Sum: Normalize input by setting dataset sum to that of reference column/plot.

For information on methods, see the Algorithm section, below.

Reference Cell

Divide the worksheet column by the cell value.


Launches the Data Reader tool for picking a point on a curve.

Picked Point's X Value

X-value of point picked with the Data Reader.

Picked Point's Y Value

Y-value of point picked with the Data Reader.

Picked Point's Index

Row index number of point picked with the Data Reader.


Direct output results.

For help with the range controls, see: Output Results.


For algorithm specifics, see the documentation for the respective X-Functions in the Origin X-Function Help file:

Normalizing columns:

Normalizing curves: