Adding Hyperlinks to Text Labels

Origin supports various types of hyperlinks in text labels. The syntax for links is as follows:

range://: indicates a range inside the project.
http:// or https://: indicates an external link.
help://: indicates a link to the Origin help documentation.
note://: indicates a link to a Notes window.

In each case, the link is put into the text box in the object Properties Programming tab (Alt+double click on the text label) while the displayed text is put into the text box on the Text tab (Double-click). The text label will be underlined indicating that it is a hyperlink.

A text label can also be made into a button that performs some action when clicked. See Examples 3 and 4 for instructions.

Example 1. Range link

  1. Enter the following in a graph's text label:
    Go to column 1, row 100
  2. Right-click on the text label and select Properties... from the context menu and go to Programming tab in the dialog.
  3. Enter the following in the script box at the bottom of the dialog and click OK.
  4. Click on the text label to open Book1, Sheet1 and have it scroll to the cell in column 1, row 100.

Note: the link will do nothing if the destination range doesn't exist.

Example 2. External link

  1. Enter the following in a graph's text label:
  2. Right-click on the text label and select Properties... from the context menu and go to Programming tab in the dialog.
  3. Enter the following in the script box and click OK.
  4. Click on the label to open a browser to the OriginLab's home page.

Example 3. Linked Help file page button

  1. Enter the following in a graph's text label:
    Click to see the Spacing tab help file
  2. Right-click on the text label and select Properties... from the context menu and go to Programming tab in the dialog.
  3. Enter the following in the script box, making sure to enclose the link in double-quotes:
    run -LK "help://origin.chm/UserGuide/The_(Plot_Details)_Spacing_Tab.html"
  4. Set Script,Run After to Button Up, and click OK.
  5. Press the button to open the Origin CHM to "The (Plot Details) Spacing tab" page.

Example 4. Linked Notes window button

  1. Creat a new Notes window Notes1
  2. Enter the following in a graph's text label:
    Go to Notes1
  3. Right-click on the text label and select Properties... from the context menu and go to Programming tab in the dialog.
  4. Enter the following in the script box, making sure to enclose the link in double-quotes:
    run -LK "notes://Notes1"
  5. Set Script,Run After to Button Up, and click OK.
  6. Press the button to go to the Notes1 window.

Note: the button will do nothing if the specified Notes window doesn't exist.

Refer to this page to see more examples.