31.2 Data Selection Requirements for Origin Graph Types

The data requirements for each of the built-in graph types are listed below. The data selection can be either columns or selected ranges from columns as shown below:

Column Selection-vNext.png

Additionally rows can be selected from different parts of the sheet by using CTRL + select, releasing and repeating as shown below:

CTRL Selection-vNext.png

When this option is available, the Description field refers to the "CTRL key being depressed."

Graph Type Selected Data Requirements Description

2 Point segment

2D Waterfall

3D Ribbons

3D Walls

3D Waterfall

3 Point segment

4 Panel

9 Panel




Horizontal 2 panel

Horizontal step





Spline connected


Stacked bar

Stacked column

Vertical 2 panel

Vertical drop line

Vertical step

XYY 3D Bars


One or more columns.

If one column is selected: The column supplies the Y values. The data is plotted versus row number.

If more than one column is selected: The leftmost column supplies the X values. All other columns supply the Y values. The data is plotted versus the X values.

If more than one column is selected and the CTRL key is depressed: All the columns supply the Y values. The data is plotted versus row number.

Box chart

One or more columns.

Each selected column supplies Y values for a separate box. Column names supply the associated X values.

Double Y Axis

Two or more columns.

If two columns are selected: Both columns supply Y values. The data is plotted versus row number.

If three columns are selected: The leftmost column supplies X values. Other columns supply Y values. The data is plotted versus X values.

Fill area

Two or three columns.

If two columns are selected: Both columns supply Y values. The data is plotted versus row number.

If three columns are selected: The leftmost column supplies X values. The other two columns supply Y values. The data is plotted versus X values.

Floating bar

Floating column

Two or more columns.

If two columns are selected and the CTRL key is depressed: The leftmost column supplies the starting Y values. The second column supplies the ending Y values. The data is plotted versus row number.

If three or more columns are selected: The leftmost column supplies the X values. The second column supplies the starting Y values. The next column supplies the intermediate Y values (etc.). The rightmost column supplies the ending Y values. The data is plotted versus X values.

If three or more columns are selected and the CTRL key is depressed: The leftmost column supplies the starting Y values. The next column supplies the intermediate Y values (etc.). The rightmost column supplies the ending Y values. The data is plotted versus row number.


Three columns or four columns.

If three columns are selected: The leftmost column supplies the high values, the next column supplies the low values, and the last column supplies the closing values. The data is plotted versus row number.

If four columns are selected: The leftmost column supplies the X values. The second column supplies the high values. The third column supplies the low values. The rightmost column supplies the closing values. The data is plotted versus the X values.


One or more columns.

A histogram graph is created containing an interlaced histogram for each of the selected columns.

Histogram + Probabilities

One column.

A histogram is created for the selected column. The cumulative counts are also displayed.

Indexed size (Bubble) and color map

Three columns or four columns.

If three columns are selected: The leftmost column supplies the Y values. The second column supplies the size values. The rightmost column supplies the color values. The data is plotted versus row number.

If four columns are selected: The leftmost column supplies the X values. The second column supplies the Y values. The third column supplies the size values. The rightmost column supplies the color values. The data is plotted versus the X values.

Color map, Indexed size (Bubble)

Two columns or three columns.

If two columns are selected: The leftmost column supplies the Y values. The second column supplies the size or color values. The data is plotted versus row number.

If three columns are selected: The leftmost column supplies the X values. The next column supplies the Y values. The rightmost column supplies the size or color values. The data is plotted versus the X values.

Line series

Two or three columns.

If two or three columns are selected: The columns supply the Y values. Each series of row values comprises a line + symbol data plot. The data plot's X values are determined by the selected Y column number (1, 2, or 3). The data plot's Y values are determined by the actual cell values in the selected column.


One column.

The selected column values are summed, and the percentage of the total is determined for each selected value. The pie chart displays the percentage of the total for each selected value as a pie section.

QC (X bar R)

One or more columns.

If one column is selected: The column supplies the Y values. The X values are determined by the subgroup number (defined by the subgroup size and the number of column values). The data is plotted versus X values.

If more than one column is selected: The selected columns supply the Y values. The X values are determined by the row number. The data is plotted versus X values.


Three columns.

The leftmost column supplies the X values. The second column supplies the Y values. The rightmost column supplies the Z values. The X, Y, Z data is plotted.

XYAM Vector

Three columns or four columns.

If three columns are selected: The leftmost column supplies the Y values. The second column supplies the angle values. The rightmost column supplies the magnitude values. The data is plotted versus row number.

If four columns are selected: The leftmost column supplies the X values. The second column supplies the Y values. The third column supplies the angle values. The rightmost column supplies the magnitude values. The data is plotted versus the X values.

XYXY Vector

Four columns.

The leftmost column supplies the X start values. The second column supplies the Y start values. The third column supplies the X end values. The rightmost column supplies the Y end values.