
LabTalk Object Type:


The tick object is a sub-object of the system object. The tick object properties allow you to read and alter tick-related settings which are set in the OPTION.CNF file. Some of these settings can also be accessed in the Options dialog box.


Property Access Description
system.tick.customaxisunit Read/write,

Specify the custom string to show Unit Label at the axis title. It works when the system variable @LUQ is set to -2. For example,

@luq=-2;  //Use custom string to specify how to show the Unit Label at Axis Title
SYSTEM.TICK.CUSTOMAXISUNIT$ =<<U>>;  // Set the custom string.
system.tick.gapAxTitle Read/write,

Distance between the tick labels and the axis title. In percent of system.tick.majorLen. 50 = no gap

system.tick.gapInside Read/write,

When the ticks are displayed inside the axis, this is the distance between the tick labels and the ticks. In percent of system.tick.majorLen.

system.tick.gapOutside Read/write,

When the ticks are displayed outside the axis, this is the distance between the tick labels and the ticks. In percent of system.tick.majorLen.

system.tick.labelColor Read/write,

Tick label color, when creating a graph from scratch (no template). Numbers from the color list or use the color() function, as in: system.tick.labelColor = color(blue) (Note: This property is not available in the Options dialog box.)

system.tick.log1As10E Read/write,

Control display of tick labels when using Scientific notation on a logarithmic scale.
1 = display 10^0 as 1 and display 10^1 as 10.
0 = display 10^0 as 10^0 and display 10^1 as 10^1.

system.tick.maxNumeric Read/write,

Maximum number of major ticks allowed when Numeric is selected from the Type drop down list on the Tick Labels tab of the Axis dialog box.

system.tick.maxT Read/write,

Maximum number of major ticks allowed when 'Text from dataset', Time, Date, etc. is selected from the Type drop down list on the Tick Labels tab of the Axis dialog box.

system.tick.minMajor Read/Write,

Minimum number of major ticks that should be kept during rescale when axes min max are changed (Origin 8)

system.tick.minorLen Read/write,

Minor tick length, when creating a graph from a template. In percent of the template's major tick length setting. This property is not available in the Options dialog box.