LabTalk Object Type:
- Utility
The system object properties allow you to read and alter a variety of settings which are maintained in the OPTION.CNF file.
Note: The system object includes the following sub-objects:
Read only, numeric
The bit value of Origin. Returns 32 or 64.
Read only, numeric
The current date and time in numeric format. Equivalent to the @D system variable. To display the information as a date or time, use $(system.date,D#) where # is an index to the Origin date formats. See also system.date().
Read/write, numeric
Debug mode executes LabTalk statements that begin with #!. Equivalent to the @B system variable. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
Read/write, numeric
Controls the type of Open and Save As dialog boxes used in 32 bit Origin in Windows 95: 1 = Standard Explorer dialog boxes, 0 = Origin dialog boxes including a Show Info check box (and associated Comments text box). The fdlog object controls the display of the Show Info check box.
Note: 16 bit Origin returns a missing value.
Read/write, numeric
Set the graph window background color, outside of the page: 0 = extend page color to entire window. 1 = show area outside of page as gray. It's value is independent of @G system variable, if either of them is 0, then gray background will be gone. .
Read only, numeric
Starting menu level.
Read/write, numeric
Current page column number in worksheet printing.
Read/write, numeric
Current page row number in worksheet printing.
Read/write, numeric
Controls the Origin EXEs Windows process priority: 64 = low, 32 = normal, 128 = high, 256 = realtime. Realtime is strongly discouraged.
Read only, numeric
OriginLab product code. The first bit of this property indicates whether the product is Origin or OriginPro: 0 = Origin and 1 = OriginPro. Thus, to determine if the product is Origin or OriginPro, you must do a bitwise AND of system.product and the value 1 using the bitwise AND operator "&".
For example:
if (system.product&1 == 1)
type -b "OriginPro";
type -b "Origin";
Read/write, numeric
Display control: 0 = use dithered color, 1 = use pure color.
Read/write, numeric
Control whether to use English (including Date & Time format) in analysis reports and graphs. 1 for yes, 0 for no. Only available in non-English language Origin.
Read only, numeric
X resolution of the page and is dependent on the resolution of the printer driver in dots per inch (dpi). For related information, see page.resX and page.resY.
Read only, numeric
File type to be saved: 0 = project, 1 = template.
Read/Write, numeric
Control whether to show one window name in the Project Explorer, when the View mode is not set to Details. 0 = show both window Short Name and Long Name (if exists) in the format of SN - LN. 1 = Show window Long Name only, if Long Name is not available, show Short Name.
Read/write, numeric
Maximum number of significant digits displayed to the right of the decimal place for small numbers. Should be specified in negative numbers, i.e. -3 specifies 3 significant digits to the right of the decimal place.
Read/write, numeric
Maximum number of significant digits for large numbers. For example, if this property is set to 4, 1234567.0 displays as 1.234 E 6.
Read only, numeric
The version number of the Origin software. This is the same as the @V system variable.
Read/write, numeric
Font size scalar for display in Window View mode. This is the same as the @W system variable.
Returns the current date and time in numeric format. To display the information as a date or time, use $(System.Date(),D#) where # is an index to the Origin date formats.
Load Origin's preferences from the specified FileName. If no file name is provided, then the OPTION.CNF file is used. If "1" is specified for FileName, then the internal defaults are loaded. The internal defaults are the values used in the event that the OPTION.CNF file doesn't exist.
Save Origin's preferences to the specified FileName. If no file name is specified, then the OPTION.CNF file is used.
The following script displays the present date in MM/DD/YY format on an existing text label named Today.
Today.text$ = $(system.date,D0);
//uses the label.text$ property