LabTalk Object Type:
The R (or RObj) object provides script access for running basic R commands and exchange data with R console.
Initiate the R application.
Clear all variables in current R session.
Execute one or multiple R command lines via string strCommand.
Send Origin dataset OriginDataset to R as variable Rvariable, data type can be -1 = auto, 0 = vector, 1 = matrix, 2 = data frame.
Receive R variable as Origin dataset OriginDataset, data type can be -1 = auto, 0 = vector, 1 = matrix, 2 = data frame. (Origin 2025)addindex is available if type=2. Default is 1, when it is 0, it will not create index column.
Assign the numeric value of R variable RVariable to Origin variable LabTalkVar.
Assign the numeric value of Origin variable LabTalkVar to R variable RVariable.
Assign the string value of R string variable RVariable to Origin string variable LabTalkVar.
Assign the string value of Origin string variable LabTalkVar to R string variable RVariable.
IsApplicationInstalled("R")=; //0 = no, 1 = yes.
GetApplicationVersion("R")=; //in R v4.1.3 returns a value like 4.13
Please view this page for examples.