Options for Data Plot Labels


Syntax: set name -lm value

Extend the plot line to full X range when there are missing Y values at the end of a curve.
Where 1 = Extend; and 0 = Not extend.
(This option can be used in Survival Plots)


col(a) = {0, 3, 4, 12, 12, 12};
col(b) = {1, 0.8, 0.6, NANUM, NANUM, NANUM}; // Data with missing Y values
plotxy 2 200; // Plot a line graph
sec -p 2; // Pause 2 seconds to see the original plot
set %C -lm 1; // Change the setting
layer -a; // Rescale


Syntax: set name -pctlr

Reposition contour labels after axis rescale.


Syntax: set name -q value

Show or hide data labels along with plotted data. 1 = show data label, 0 = hide data label.


Syntax: set name -qa value

When labels are shown in a 3D graph, the orientation of label is Auto Orientation by default; it is always perpendicular to the viewing direction. 1 = enable Auto Orientation, and 0 = disable Auto Orientation. If Auto Orientation is disabled, the switch -qn (or -qnx, -qny, -qnz) can be used to set the label orientation.


Syntax: set name -qb value

Set the data label to bold. 1 = enable bold, 0 = disable bold.


Syntax: set name -qc value

Set the data label font color. Value follows the color palette: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.


Syntax: set name -qf value

Set the data label font. Value is the index of the operation system fonts, which can be found from the Font drop-down list of the Label tab in Plot Details dialog. You can also use Origin font function which returns that index:

set %C -qf font(Tahoma);


Syntax: set name -qi value

Set the data label to italic. 1 = enable italic, 0 = disable italic.


Syntax: set name -ql nType

A leader line connects a data point and its associated data label. This command sets the leader line connection type when data labels are enabled for a 3D graph.

Possible value for nType is as following:

0 = None;

1 = Straight Line;

2 = First approach the data point along with X axis, then connect to it by the shortest distance.

3 = First approach the data point along with Y axis, then connect to it by the shortest distance.

4 = First approach the data point along with Z axis, then connect to it by the shortest distance.

5 = First approach the data point along with X & Y axes, then connect to it by the shortest distance.

6 = First approach the data point along with X & Z axes, then connect to it by the shortest distance.

7 = First approach the data point along with Y & Z axis, then connect to it by the shortest distance.


Syntax: set name -qlc nColor

Set the color of the leader lines created by the set -ql command. The nColor should be the index number from the Color List.


Syntax: set name -qlw dWidth

Set the line width of the leader lines created by the set -ql command. The dWidth value should be in points.


Syntax: set name -qm value

Set the data label form, where the value can be:

  • 1: X value
  • 2: Y value
  • 3: Row Indices
  • 4: X and Y value
  • 5: User custom form. You can use -qms to set the display string.


Syntax: set name -qmi values

... where values is a space-separated list of row indices or is a dataset. Note that index = 0 is a special value that denotes the last plotted point.

set %C -qmi 1 4 0;
set %C -qmi book1_d;
set %C -qmi [Book1]Sheet1!Col(C);

For example:

set %C -qm 4; // set label form to (X,Y)
set %C -qmi col(c); // label points at row indices in col(c)

Another example:

x2+=x3; // make space for labels at the right side of the plot
doc -e D
set %C -q 1; // enable data labels
set %C -qm 5; // set label form to custom
set %C -qmi 0; // label last point
%A="%"; // see http://www.originlab.com/doc/Quick-Help/Avoid-Substituted
set %C -qms %A(?,@LL); // set to show column long name

In this example, if you were working in the user interface, you would open the Labels tab in Plot Details and specify the Custom Format String %(?,@LL) but in a script that runs more than one time as this one does, the leading "%" must be protected by defining a string variable such as %A. See FAQ-386. How to avoid substitution in LabTalk?


Syntax: set name -qmie value

  • 0: Disable show of labels at specified indices only
  • 1: Enable show of labels at specified indices only


Syntax: set name -qms str

Use *n to set significant digits.
Use .n to set decimal places.
Use Dnn/Tnn to set date/time format.
Use $(i), $(X), $(Y) to indicate row index and coordinates.

set %C -q 1; // enable data labels;
set %c -qmi 1; // show label on 1st point only
set %c-qm 5; // set label form to custom
set %c -j -qms ($(x), $(y,*2))[$(I)];// -j switch prevents substitution


Syntax: set name -qn xvalue yvalue zvalue

When you use the -qa switch to disable Auto Orientation for labels in 3D graphs, this switch can be used to specify the normal vector of the plane. Then the label's orientation will be parallel with this plane.

For example:

set %C -qa 0;  // disable auto orientation
set %C -qn 1 0 0;  // set normal vector {1, 0, 0}


Syntax: set name -qnx xvalue

This switch is similar to the -qn switch, but it will just specify the x component of the normal vector.


Syntax: set name -qny yvalue

The same as -qnx, but for the y component.


Syntax: set name -qnz zvalue

The same as -qnx, but for the z component.


Syntax: set name -qp value

Set the label position. Where 1 = Center, 2 = Left, 3 = Right, 4 = Above and 5 = Below.


Syntax: set name -qr value

Set the rotation degree of the data label.


Syntax: set name -qs value

Set the font size of the data label.


Syntax: set name -qu value

Set underline for the data label. 1 = underline, 0 = no underline.


Syntax: set name -qw value

Set whether to use whiteout or not. Where 1 = whiteout and 0 = do not use whiteout.


Syntax: set name -qx value

Set the X offset value of the data label.


Syntax: set name -qy value

Set the Y offset value of the data label.