IIR Filter


Name Brief Example
ocmsp_filter Filter data sequence using a digital filter Examples
ocmsp_filter_sos Second order (biquadratic) IIR digital filtering
ocmsp_filtfilt Zero-phase digital filtering Examples
ocmsp_filtfilt_sos Second order(biquadratic) IIR Zero-phase digital filtering
ocmsp_freqz Frequency and phases response of filter Examples
ocmsp_freqz_sos Frequency and phases response of second order section filter
ocmsp_iir_filter Design digital or analog IIR filters with given specifications. It returns the coefficients of transfer function. Examples
ocmsp_iir_filter_sos Design digital or analog IIR filters with given specifications. It returns a filter in second-order section representation. Examples
ocmsp_iir_filter_ss Design digital or analog IIR filters with given specifications. It returns filter represented in state-space form. Examples
ocmsp_iir_filter_zp Design digital or analog IIR filters with given specifications. It returns the zeros, poles and the gain. Examples
ocmsp_iir_order Estimate the minimum order of a digital/analog IIR filter required to meet a set of filter design specifications: loses no more than Rp dB in passband and has at least Rs dB of attenuation in the stopband. Examples
ocmsp_impz Impulse response of digital filter, calculating by coefficients of transfer function. Examples
ocmsp_impz_sos Impulse response of digital filter, calculating by second-order-section.
ocmsp_impzlength Get the length of the impulse response for a digital filter, calculating by coefficients of transfer function.
ocmsp_impzlength_sos Get the length of the impulse response for a digital filter, calculating by second-order-section.
ocmsp_readfcf Read filter coefficients from fcf file Examples
ocmsp_readfcf_header Read fcf file header
ocmsp_readfcf_sos Read filter in second-order-section from fcf file
ocmsp_readfcf_ss Read filter in state space form from fcf file
ocmsp_release_filter Release filter arrays: numerator, denominator, A, B, C, D or sos matrix
ocmsp_writefcf Write filter coefficients to Matlab fcf file Examples
ocmsp_writefcf_sos Write filter in second order section to Matlab fcf file
ocmsp_writefcf_ss Write filter in state space form to Matlab fcf file