Other Options


Syntax: set name -gm Value

Set the Edit Mode of the grouped data plots to dependent or independent.

set %C -gm 1; // Set the Edit Mode of grouped data plots to independent, %C is the active plot of the group


Syntax: set name -gn NewGroupName

Set the group LongName which data plot name belongs to. Note that name must be the first data plot of the group.

set %C -gn TEST; // rename group to "TEST", %C is 1st plot of the group


Syntax: set name hadj Value

Set the gap between the center(the X axis tick) and the half violin edge. The default value is 5, in the percentage of violin width.

set %c -hadj 0; //Set the gap be 0. The vertical line of violin is exactly on X axis tick.


Syntax: set -j another switch str

Disable the use of substitution notation (% and $) in the argument string. By default, the set command substitutes the % and $ notation.


Syntax: set Name -m value

Set the specified data plot as movable/not movable with the cursor. 1 = movable, 0 = not movable (default).


Syntax: set name -n newname

Rename loose dataset.

create lds1 10;                 //Create a loose dataset with name lds1
list s;                         //The loose dataset name is lds1
set lds1 -n LooseDataset;       //Rename dataset from lds1 to LooseDataset
list s;                         //List all datasets, there will be not dataset with 
                                //name lds1 but LooseDataset


Syntax: set name -pd value

Show/hide vertical drop lines. 1 = show drop lines, 0 = hide drop lines. (See also the -lh and -lv options.)


Syntax: set name -pf value

Turn the fill area option on or off. 1 = fill area on, 0 = fill area off.


Syntax: set name -pfv fillAreaSetting;

Control the Fill Area Under Curve setting. 1 = normal, 2 = inclusive broken by missing values, 3 = exclusive broken by missing values, 4 = Sidelines Only, 5 = Span Vertically broken by missing values, 6 = Sidelines and Base, 7 = Fill to Base, 8 = Fill to next data plot – One Color, and 9 = Fill to next data plot –Above Below Colors.


Syntax: set name -pfn value;

Control the mode of fill to next data plot, if it is set to fill to next data plot. 1 = Common X Area, and 2 = Area Enclosed by End Points.

//plot two lines before executing code
set %C -pfv 8; //Set the the Fill Area Under Curve to "Fill to next data plot –One Color"
set %c -pf 1; //Turn the fill area option on
set %C -pfn 2; //Set the mode of "Fill to next data plot" to Area Enclosed by End Points


Syntax: set name -s value;

Show/hide the data plot. 1 = show, 0 = hide.


Syntax: set name -skip n;

Display every nth symbol in a line+symbol data plot. The drawn line, on the other hand, goes through all points, up to the page.maxpts display limit.

// Plot a line+scatter with 10 data points (row # for example)
set %c -skip 2; // the symbol is displayed every two points


Syntax: set name -spf value;

Specify whether to flatten the 3D surface plot. 1 = enable flatten-mode, 0 = disable flatten mode.


Syntax: set name -spz value;

Set the z offset by percent of the scale range for 3D surface plot. To set the plot at bottom or top, provide 0 or 100, respectively.


Syntax: set name -tb value;

Control the data plot rendering mode. When value = 0, the data plot is rendered from metafile descriptions that are stored in memory. When value = 1, the data plot is rendered from an internal bitmap. For large data plots, the "bitmap mode" provides a faster redraw than the "metafile mode". However, if you resize the graph, the data plot can appear "blocky" in the bitmap mode.


Syntax: set name -u

Set (update) the current display range for name in the active layer to be true for name in all layers.


Syntax: set name -ui

Update Origin when you type or paste data into an Excel workbook sheet.

See also Window -tx wks excel command.


Syntax: set name -x value

Associate an X dataset with a Y dataset. Name must be the dataset name that provides the X values for the Y dataset value. A graph window must be the active window. Name can refer to any dataset, regardless of column plot designation.


Syntax: set -yx

Set the dataset that is plotted in the current layer to be plotted (a) against row number or (b) the X start value and increment as specified using the -f and -i options (or through Format:Set Worksheet X).