Read/write numeric
Align the tick labels with respect to tick marks: 1 = Center (on tick), 2 = Center between Ticks, 3 = Next to Ticks.
Read/write numeric
Bold the tick labels: 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
layer.axis.label.collabel (Origin 2019b)
Read/write numeric
Specify tick label display format when layer.axis.label.type = 7 (Column Name or Label) or 11 (Layer Banner): 1 = Column headings, 3 = Unit, 4 = Comments, 5 = Sampling Interval, 6 = Parameters, 7 = Parameters 2, 8 = Parameters 3, 9 = Parameters 4, 10 = Parameters 5, 32 = <Custom>
layer.axis.label.collabel$ (Origin 2019b)
Read/write string
Specify the display format string of tick label when layer.axis.label.type = 7 (Column Name or Label) or 11 (Layer Banner), and layer.axis.label.collabel= 32 (<Custom>)
Read/write numeric
Tick label color. Numbers from the color list, or transparent (0). The color function can be used, as in: layer.x.color = color(blue);
layer.y2.color = color(240,208,0);
Read/write string
Dataset name if the tick label is from a dataset. To read, assign the value to a string variable.
Read/write numeric
Number of decimal points to display. To disable, set to -1.
layer.axis.label.dir (Origin 2022)
Read/write numeric, string
Control the direction of the letters and numbers in axis labels: 1=Horizontal, 2=Vertical, 3=Stacked, 4=Horizontal Letters and Numbers in Vertical Text. See the details of Direction control.
layer.axis.label.divideBy (Origin 2021)
Read/write numeric, string
Divide tick labels by this factor before displaying.
%(?X) / %(layer.x.label.divideBy$)
Read/write numeric
Font number as enumerated by Windows except 1 indicates use setting in Preference: Options : [Text Fonts] : Default. Use the font( ) function, as in: layer1.x.label.font = font(arial); to set to Arial font.
Read/write string
Display tick labels by the formula specified. For example, use: layer.x.label.formula$="x*2"; to double the values of x axis tick label. ("x" is also used in the formula for Y and Z axes.)
Read/write numeric
Numeric display format: 1 = decimal without commas, 2 = scientific, 3 = engineering, and 4 = decimal with commas (for date).
Read/write numeric
Horizontal offset from axis, in % of current font.
Read/write numeric
Vertical offset from axis, in % of current font.
Read/write string
A string to display before each tick label. To delete the prefix, set .pre$ = "" ;.
| (Origin 2024b)
Read/write numeric
Size of the tick labels in pts. If multi-line table, n refers to nth line in the table. If single line axis label, n can be omitted.
Read/write numeric
Tick label rotation, in degrees.
layer.axis.label.scientificnotationpower (Origin 2022b)
Read/write string
Power of the tick labels, shown as Unit for the labels.
layer.axis.label.scientificnotationpos (Origin 2022b)
Read/write string
Specify the position of the power unit for the axis tick labels:
0=hide the unit
1=Begin from Axis End //default value
2=in Last Tick Label
3=End at Axis End
layer.axis.label.scientificnotationxoffset (Origin 2022b)
Read/write string
Specify the horizontal offset for the unit label from the specified position. The offset unit likes tick label offset.
layer.axis.label.scientificnotationyoffset (Origin 2022b)
Read/write string
Specify the vertical offset for the unit label from the specified position. The offset unit likes tick label offset.
Read/write string
A string to display after each tick label. To delete the suffix, set .suf$ = ""; .
Read/write numeric
Tick label time and date format. If layer.axis.label.type = 4 , 1 = first selection from date format drop-down list (Windows Short Date format), 2 = second selection from date format drop-down list (Windows Long Date format), etc. If layer.axis.label.type = 3 , 1 = first selection from time format drop-down list, 2 = second selection from time format drop-down list, etc.
Read/write numeric
Tick label type: 1 = numeric, 2 = text from dataset, 3 = time, 4 = date, 5 = month, 6 = day of the week, 7 = column headings, 8 = dataset indexed as tick #, 11 = Layer Banner
Read/write numeric
Background for tick labels: 0 = transparent background, 1 = white background.
layer.axis.label.wrap (Origin 2015 SR0)
Read/write numeric
Enable wrapping of axis tick labels: 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable.