Convert a string representation of a hexadecimal number to decimal.
Beginning with Origin 2019, the "0x" prefix is supported (see Examples). Additionally, Origin worksheets and matrices now support display of hexadecimal numbers.
int Hex2Dec(string str$)
Return the decimal of the specified hexadecimal.
hex2Dec(2B) = ; // 43 string strHex$ = FE4; int n = hex2Dec(strHex$); n = ; // 4068
aa$=0x12312340002; Hex2Dec(aa$)=; // prefix "0x" bb$=12312340002; Hex2Dec(bb$)=; // no prefix "0x" Hex2Dec(aa$)=1250140880898 Hex2Dec(bb$)=1250140880898
Bin2Dec, Dec2Bin, Dec2Hex