This feature is to map pixels of an image to the actual size, such as a scale of 10 pixel/nm.
It is usually used in microscopic image that has a scale on it.
Once the scale is set, it will be saved to the image and can be used in other tools and Apps later.
This feature is used to determine the position and size of the image when inset it as background into a Graph window.
It is especially useful when inserting a map as layer background in a graph. See a quick example here.
Resize the image by interpolation.
Buttons and menus are provided to change the display size in the Image window, including showing the actual size and zooming.
Note: these tools don't change the actual scale nor size of the image.
Switch between Actual Size Mode (1:1 pixel) and Fit to Window Mode
By default, if an image's width/height is less than 800, the image will be opened in Actual Size mode. You can change the default threshold by @IWP.
Zoom and Pan
The maximum zoom-in level is 3200%. The image is pixelated when zooming in.