17.1.5 Discrete Frequency


Discrete frequency analysis is one common method of descriptive statistics, used to analyze discrete variables. The discrete frequency analysis can output a frequency table, from which you can get a summary of the data simply and intuitively.

The summary includes a count, the relative frequency, and the cumulative frequency of the data, provided you select the corresponding check boxes.

Handling Missing Values

The missing values in the data range will be included in the analysis and the number of missing values will be output in result.

The missing values in the grouping range will be considered as a group.

Performing Discrete Frequency

To determine a discrete frequency count for a range of values:

  1. SelectStatistics: Descriptive Statistics: Discrete Frequency. This menu command opens the discfreq dialog box. Origin searches the selected range of the data to record the number of observations at each distinct value.
  2. Upon clicking OK, Origin creates an output worksheet. The output worksheet lists distinct values and the corresponding counts. The Relative Frequency and Cumulative Frequency may also be computed.

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