Adding one Layer using Insert New Layer menuAddLayers-InsertLayer
If you want to add one more layer into current graph window, you can select Insert: New Layer(Axes): ### menu to add a new layer with desired axes.

- Bottom-X Left-Y
- The new layer will have a bottom X axis and a left Y axis. This menu item is equal to the toolbar button
- Top-X (Linked Y Scale and Dimension)
- The new layer will have a top X axis, and its Y axis has been linked to the Y axis of active layer straightly(1 to 1), with the Unit been set to % of Linked Layer. This menu item is equal to the toolbar button
- Right-Y (Linked X Scale and Dimension)
- The new layer will have a right Y axis, and its X axis has been linked to the active layer straightly(1 to 1), with the Unit been set to % of Linked Layer. This menu item is equal to the toolbar button
- Left-Y (Linked X Scale and Dimension)
- The new layer will have a left Y axis, and its X axis has been linked to the active layer straightly(1 to 1), with the Unit been set to % of Linked Layer.
- Top-X Right-Y (Linked Dimension)
- The new layer will have a top X axis and a right Y axis that are linked to the active layer, with the Unit been set to % of Linked Layer. This menu item is equal to the toolbar button
- Bottom-X Right-Y (Linked Dimension)
- The new layer will have a bottom X axis and a right Y axis that are linked to the active layer, with the Unit been set to % of Linked Layer.
- Inset (Linked Dimension)
- The new layer will be a linked inset for the active layer, with the Unit been set to % of Linked Layer. This menu item is equal to the toolbar button
- Inset With Data (Linked Dimension)
- The new layer will be a linked inset for the active layer, and it will have the data plots from the active layer, with the Unit been set to % of Linked Layer. This menu item is equal to the toolbar button
- No Axes (Linked XY Scale and Dimension)
- The new layer has no axis, but its XY scale is linked to active layer straightly(1 to 1), with the Unit been set to % of Linked Layer.
- Open Dialog...
- This will open the New Layer(Axes) dialog(layadd X-Function):

This tutorial will teach you how to add one more layer into current graph window by the X-Function layadd:
- New a workbook, import the file <Origin folder>\Samples\Graphing\Linked Layers 1.dat.
- Highlight col(A) and col(B) to plot a line graph. Now, we are going to add a new layer with a linked top-X and un-linked right-Y axes which have same dimension with the original graph layer.
- Select Insert: New Layer(Axes): Open dialog... to open the New Layer(Axes):layadd dialog. In the dialog, check the User Defined check box to add a new layer with user-defined axes.
- Under Layer Axes branch, check Top and Right to add Top-X and right-Y for the new layer; Under Linked Axes Scale branch, set Link To to Layer1, set X Axis to Straight(1 to 1). Please note, if the new layer has same axes as Layer1, such as bottom-X or Left Y, the axes will be overlapped. In this case, you can check the Auto Offset Overlapped Axes check to set the overlapped axes be arranged with appropriate offset.
- Keep the check box Activate New Layer checked. Click OK button to add the new layer.
- Activate the Original workbook, highlight Col(G), then activate the graph again, select Insert: Plot to Layer: Scatter to add the data "PCBs" into the newly-added layer.
 | Once you have added a new layer into current graph, you can double-click on the new layer to open Plot Details dialog to check the linking status in the Link Axes Scales tab.
 | Origin provides Common Display controls for applying customizations made to a single graph layer, to selected layers in a multi-layer graph. By default, added layers are excluded from such group customizations. For more information, see Common Display.