Origin 2020b Features


EC80 and EC20 are added as output of Dose Response functions and Sigmoidal Gadget

To display the X axis of interaction plot in two way ANOVA to be numeric instead of text, Origin 2020b improved Group designation to support such requirement.

Batch Peak Analysis Improvements: Recalculation Support, Sort Output Sheet by Peak Index, Auto Picks All Plots in an Active Graph Window

Canonical Correlation Analysis app can be used to measure the correlation between two multidimensional variables.

Peaks can be filtered by script in Peak Analyzer

Direct Linear Transformation app can be used to perform direct linear transformation to do camera calibration and reconstruct 3D coordinates of points by 2D coordinates.

Enable user to select data from worksheet in RAW data mode for ANOVA tools

Fit Adsorption Isotherm app provides a convenient way to transform your raw data related to adsorption isotherm into a linear dataset with various types of the model provided, and perform linear fitting with the new dataset

Linear Mixed Effects Model app fits a linear mixed effects model for data collected in groups

Linear Regression with Marginal Distribution app can create a report of linear regression, including a graph with marginal distribution.

Modified Short-Time Fourier Transform app can be used to perform short-time Fourier transform with the window size fixed in the frequency domain

Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) app can be used to transform multidimensional data into lower dimensional representation. Bray-Curtis matrix is used as dissimilarity matrix

Peak Analyzer provides option to use data in x axis range when doing PA from zoomed in graph window

Support to output Gadget results to source data workbook

When there is Y Error bar in plot and open Peak Analyzer, the Y Error will be included in Input data and using weighting method to control peak fitting

If the result of analysis is matrix, source data’s info will be put to result’s matrix.

Reprocess button on batch processing summary sheet to allow changes to template or Input Data

Options to perform Pairwise Comparisons in Kaplan-Merer Estimator tool.

Peaks can be sorted in Peak Properties sheet in Peak Analyzer

Standard Curve Analysis app fits a standard curve like Concentration vs Absorbance

Calculate statistics on Y based on X Binning

Support 3D Loading Plot , Score Plot and Biplot for Principal Component Analysis

If X values are large, Mean is subtracted from X before fitting in polynomial fit

Support Nonparametirc Mean Comparison in 3 Nonparametric ANOVA tools

Support identifier from multiple datasets in analysis results

SVM Classification app can be used to perform the support vector machine algorithm for classification.

@FCI is added to control the number of iteration in fitting

Update button on batch processing summary sheet to allow changes on input data

Data Handling

Add workbook level properties related to data connector on multiple sheets

Increase the limitation for a Text format cell, now you can enter up to 799 characters in a cell. For a Text & Numeric format cell, you can enter up to 3799 characters.

Append Worksheet tool supports adding Dataset Identifier and skip hidden column in result sheet.

When image slider is on, user can use the color palette toolbar button to apply same color palette to all matrix objects in same sheet.

The ASCII Export has been improve a lot, and the elapsed time can be 6 times faster.

Using Alt + Enter to auto fill multiple worksheet cells. And support autofill to left or up direction.

BioLogic Connector app can connect the Origin project to BioLogic MPR (*.mpr) files.

Apply to matrices to the right checkbox is added to apply same format to all matrix objects in current matrix sheet.

Connect to multiple data files at one time. This is only supported for some data types such as CSV, HDF, Excel, Matlab, NetCDF.

Mini toolbar button on image cell in worksheet to copy image to clipboard and paste to other application

Copy Column supports to sort output worksheet.

In column/range level mini toolbar, Copy for plotting button can use to copy data from plot. Labtalk command also supports script for it.

User keywords to match Start and End for Data Block Marker in CSV data connector. Now it supports wildcard (*, ?).

3 new buttons for Import toolbar: Import all Connected Data, Connect to data from web and Connect Multiple Files

Certain data connectors (NetCDF and HDF5) supports importing matrix data into matrixbooks embedded in workbooks.

Data Navigator shows on the left side of workbook/matrix book for applicable data connectors, e.g. Excel, Origin Project, Matlab, NetCDF, etc.

Database import now supports importing images into images in worksheet cells. Tested with MySQL and SQL Server only.

Can now specify ODBC settings in a connections string.

Importing data, data connector will be used by default. When dragging and drop a file into an analysis template with data import settings saved, it will use the old import method.

When user click green lock in result sheet, Go to Graph context menu is added to easily go back to the graph.

User can right click the plotted matrix data or virtual matrix data in Object Manager to rename Matrix Long Name or Z title of virtual matrix.

Provide X-function, expxml, to enable user to export worksheet as XML files

Add option Apply Coloring to Sheet to Conditional Formatting tools, include wcolor, wheatmap, and wcolordup XF.

Added new Options item to HTML Connector sub menu, and system variable @DCW to initialize the options in Options dialog.

When there are multiple images in same matrix sheet, user can drag the image slider to quickly view images.

In Origin 2020b, after connect to an Excel file, all sheets are listed in the Data Navigator on the left of workbook window.

Origin has X-Function to join worksheets by column or label but no menu for it.

Database Connector supports Auto Import and Graph Import Icon.

For MATLAB and HDF connector that import into matrix, added system variable @MSS=10.

MATLAB 1 dim matrices shall be transposed in order to fit into a worksheet column.

MDF4 Connector app can connect the Origin project to MDF4 (*.mf4) files.

MetroPro Connector app can connect the Origin project to MetroPro binary data file (*.dat).

Support Mini toolbar for worksheet and Matrix

Minitab Connector app can connect the Origin project to Minitab 19 projects (.mpx) and worksheets (.mwx).

In Origin 2020b, more shrinking methods are provided such as sum, max, min, sd, keep first cell, keep last cell.

NetCDF Connector app can connect the Origin project to NetCDF (*.nc, *.cdf) files.

NetCDF Connector app supports importing netCDF 4 dimensions one slice as 3D data into Matrixpage.

Web Connector supports HTTP Post Requests, Self-signed SSL Certificates and improve auto detect for JSON files

Origin C support for MDF4 Connector App for MDF4 files import.

CSV Connector supports import pipe bar delimited ASCII file.

In Remove/Combine Duplicated Rows Tool, supports Multiple Reference Columns and Duplication Tolerance.

Can now use offsets from i when copying column data using Set Column Values.

For text and numbers, show whatever can fit instead of showing ####

Slow database queries can now be aborted by clicking Cancel button during import. Includes improved error reporting.

Using multi-threaded for Unstack Columns calculation, so the speed should be much faster now.

Split Worksheet by Reference Column Value speed has been improved by a factor of 10 or more. Support more split options when splitting worksheet by Reference column.

When copy and paste a cell formula to other cell, the formula will automatically update.

impFamos supports importing the new imc3 format.

Support keyword "This" for workbook with Spreadsheet cell notation off

Origin DC can now retrieve worksheet comments when using a query.


3D Antenna Radiation Pattern app

3D Vector tab of Plot Details should be always visible even there is no error

Add Fill Color button for Area Plot button to plot’s mini toolbar

Add Rescale Mini toolbar button to axis .

Add Rotation Mini Toolbar button for label

Additional Line in Angular axis for Polar Axis

Alignment for multi-line text objects

Axis mini dialog improvements, such as Change direction, More button and Log scale checkbox

Axis Reference Line Fill Improvements, such as fill color between any two reference lines

Beeswarm Plot

Polar Axis dialog now supports set radial axis' reference line fill to itself

Bland-Altman Plot

Box Chart: Plus only/Minus only Whisker and mean and median symbol for grouped box chart

Browser Graph in Window View

Bullet Chart

Change X or Y of plot to column from other worksheet

Changing font size will modify value for Color Bar Thickness but bar width won’t change

Common Display Range for all plots in same layer

Correlation Plot app

Curve Tool: connect the close start and end point;drag to change shape;fill pattern and color

Date Time Stamp use modified date format on new graph

Add label to display the filter in source worksheet

Drag layer in Object to change layer order will keep the link between layers

Easy manipulation on Theme Editor dialog

Error Ellipse bubble plot by LabTalk

Fill to relative base in Stack lines by Y Offset graph

First Tick in Axis dialog and Color Scale Control dialog is renamed as Anchor Tick

Heatmap improve to support triangular part and labels follow colormap

Once a color list is chosen, it will be used. No need to choose luminescence level

More buttons added and rearranged into Layer mini toolbar

Mask data points in Box Chart

Mini toolbar button for data points of box chart

Mini toolbar buttons to rotate polar plot

Draw Whisker/Error Bar on Top of Data

More plot type is added under Insert: Plot to Layer sub-menu.

Profile Plot Type, Profile Line name

New Axis break mini toolbar

More buttons added for Page mini toolbar

XYY 3D Side by Side Bars

plot break marker at the axis breaker region, controlled by LabTalk or mini toolbar

More buttons for Plot mini toolbar

Polar Bar supports axopetal gradient fill

Polar Bar Support Label with offset

Radial Bar Plot and Stacked Radial Plot

new system variable added to control the refresh Issue of OpenGL graph

new system variable added to control general rescale Margin

Rescale should consider the reference lines

Reverse Plots from Object Manager

Separate Mini Toolbar buttons for X and Y Errors

Set X Y Data Label & Annotation to follow axis tick label display and formula

Show Drop lines at specified points only with five different syntaxes

Add a edit box and fly-out button after Show/Hide Plots with Same Name. The fly-out is same as Legend Custom Format fly-out.

Skew Plots in Skew Coordinate by adjusting Angles between Axes.

Add mini toolbar for special point for customization, hiding, labeling.

Streamline Vector Plot

Support Connect Line for 2D and 3D XYY bars

Support Data Highlighter in 3D graph

Support displaying area plot’s border line style in legend.

Support Mini toolbar for data selector

Support Mini Toolbar for graph objects

Support negative value in log plot

Support turning off column/bar baseline

System variables to attach text, rectangle and circle objects to Layer & Scale by default

Text Object dialog: Add Sub- and Superscript; Select Multi-lines to customize

Theme Editor: Select property in filter should be in screen when filter is off; Collapse All Siblings

Tick Label: Auto rotate tick labels to avoid overlapping and Auto Hide Overlapped Labels

Transparency option for vector plot

Wrap text button for legend, axis title and text labels

Wrap Text in Legend, Axis Title, Text Labels on graph

X-Ray Diffraction Analysis app

Zero tick label display options on Axis tab of Preference: Options dialog

Zoom and Rescale Hotkeys in 3D graphs

Zoomed Inset Plus app


Drag and drop image to notes window/HTML report will create a matrix of image to keep image with project.

Matlab Console is able to connect to already running instance of Matlab

User can click the on mini toolbar pop-up to specify the buttons to show

Dialog supports multiple columns under the checkbox in branch.

System variable @@ can be used to disable all modified system variables.

When user open the file with broken links, it will ask user for file

File: Properties… menu to save separator settings and then save into project file.

Support Shift+Up/Down arrow to select multiple objects in Object Manager

OriginPro menus show in regular Origin, with suffix (Pro) on the menu.


Provide labtalk function to access to name of embedded notes window

Added an OC function, ReorderColWise(), for matrixbase class:

Accept self-signed or invalid SSL certificates checkbox is added.

Provide Labtalk command to open Edit Range dialog to edit display range of plot

Provide labtalk function to Join arbitrary ranges as a single dataset

Provide new labtalks functions for category operations

Layer property to get plot type info

Local Variables should support matrix in Code Builder when debug in Origin C

New Column Properties are added to check whether the column is categorical or to be using sampling interval

Add more methods and properties to OrgLab classes

Origin C support for Biologic file import App to import o BioLogic MPR (*.mpr) files.

Origin C support for Extract PDF Tables App to import tables from PDF files

Support Labtalk for Page Control Pane

Using wks.Labels(@) to reset current worksheet column label row to default order.

Add X-Function to split Text Cell / Text to Columns tool like Excel

Support button in HTML report

Spython.exe is shipped with Origin. Use LabTalk method InstallPythonPackages() to install package.

Support OC function,void ocmath_init_linear_fit_options, to set structure LROptions to default values when using ocmath_linear_fit

Vector properties are also available to StringArray

UnixTime() to convert to and from Unix timestamps.

Sem() and Between() Labtalk functions

Origin 2020b Bug Fixes


Data Handling


Installation and Licensing



Origin 2020b Known Issues

Data Handling




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