Compute the frequency count of elements in a vector.
int FrequencyCount( double dMin, double dMax, double dInc, vector<int> & vCounts, int wIncludeOutliers = FAB_NOT_INCLUDE_OUTLIERS )
- dMin
- [input] bin starting value
- dMax
- [input] bin end value
- dInc
- [input] bin size
- vCounts
- [modify] vector containing frequency counts
- wIncludeOutliers
- [input] Flag indicating whether or not to include outliers in the first and last bins. Default is FAB_NOT_INCLUDE_OUTLIERS
0, success
1, dInc is zero
2, dInc is greater than (dMax - dMin)
void vectorbase_FrequencyCount_ex1()
// Declare a vector and fill with some data
vector vecData = {1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5};
// Declare vector to hold frequency count
vector<int> vecCount;
// Get frequency count for vecData into vecCount
// Note that bin end value is set to 6, which is larger
// than the max value in vecData
vecData.FrequencyCount(1, 6, 1, vecCount);
for (int ii = 0; ii < vecCount.GetSize(); ii++)
// Result:
// vecCount = {3, 4, 2, 1, 1}
void vectorbase_FrequencyCount_ex2()
// This function will create a new worksheet, add a column
// with some random data, then compute frequency count and place
// in adjacent columns.
// Create a new worksheet
Worksheet wks;
// Delete all existing columns
// Add a new column and fill with 100 random numbers
int index;
index = wks.AddCol("RndData");
Dataset dsData(wks, index);
for( int ii = 0; ii < 100; ii++ )
dsData[ii] = ran();
// Compute frequency count from 0 to 1 with binsize of 0.1
vector<int> vecFreqCount;
double dBinBegin = 0.0;
double dBinEnd = 1.0;
double dBinSize = 0.1;
int iRet = dsData.FrequencyCount(dBinBegin, dBinEnd, dBinSize, vecFreqCount);
if(0 == iRet)
// Add column for bin center and set as type X and fill column
index = wks.AddCol("BinCenter");
int iNumBins = (dBinEnd - dBinBegin) / dBinSize;
Dataset dsBinCenter( wks, index );
dsBinCenter.SetSize( iNumBins );
for( int ii = 0; ii < iNumBins; ii++ )
dsBinCenter[ii] = dBinBegin + (0.5 + ii) * dBinSize;
// Add column for bin counts and fill column
index = wks.AddCol("BinCounts");
Dataset dsBinCounts(wks, index);
dsBinCounts = vecFreqCount;
out_str("Failed to compute frequency count");
Compute the frequency count of elements in the vector, with specified bin starting value, bin end value, and bin size. Values that fall on the lower edge of a bin are included in that bin and values that fall on the upper edge of a bin are included in the next higher bin.
See Also
header to Include