




The Origin C curvebase class is an abstract base class used for polymorphic handling of Curve related template class types. Consequently, Origin C objects of type curvebase can not be constructed. Derived classes, such as Curve, inherit curvebase class methods and should be used instead. The curvebase class is derived from vectorbase class from which it inherits methods and properties.




void curvebase_ex1()
    Worksheet wks;
    Dataset ds1(wks,0);
    Dataset ds2(wks,1);

    Curve crvCopy( wks, 0, 1);

    GraphPage gp;
    GraphLayer gl = gp.Layers();
    int nPlot = gl.AddPlot(crvCopy, IDM_PLOT_SCATTER);


header to Include




Name Brief Example
Append Append data from a vector or Dataset object to this Origin C Curve object and update the related Origin Worksheet or Graph window from this Origin C Curve object. Examples
AttachX Attach an Origin C Dataset object to the X data set associated with this Curve object. Examples
CopyData copy curve's x value to xvector and y value to yvector. Examples
CopyX It copies x values from cbSource. Examples
GetName Get the name of an internal Origin dataset. Examples
GetRectPoints Find all the points in a Curve which fall on or within a specified rectangle. Examples
HasX Checks whether or not this Curve object has an associated X data set. Examples
IsValid Checks the validity of an Origin C Dataset object. Examples
SetLowerBound Set the lower display index of the Dataset. Examples
SetUpperBound Set the upper display index of the Dataset. Examples
Sort Use a Curve object to sort a Y data set according to an X data set. Examples
TrimLeft TrimLeft removes elements having the value NANUM from the left end of a Dataset. Examples
TrimRight TrimRight removes elements having the value NANUM from the right end of a Dataset. Examples
Update Update an Origin C Curve object from an Origin data set or vice-versa. Examples