




Class offers Origin C-based access managing toolbar button groups in Origin. It allows toolbar button groups to be installed, modified, or removed from the product.

It is generally used in conjunction with the ToolbarButtonGroup class.


  • ToolbarButtonGroupMgr

header to Include



Name Brief
int Count()
Returns count of user-defined button groups installed in Origin.
int Refresh()
Returns count of user-defined button groups installed in Origin.
bool GetAt(int i, string &strName, string &strFile)
Returns button group name and INI file for the group at the zero-based index in installed user-defined button groups.
int AddGroup(LPCSTR pcszFile)
Installs a button group into Origin using the INI file name. Returns 0 on success.
int DeleteGroup(LPCSTR pcszName)
Removes a user-defined button group based on it's name. Returns 0 on success or UBG_ERR_GROUP_INDEX.
int DeleteGroupAt(int i)
Removes a user-defined button group based at the zero-based index in installed user-defined button groups. Returns 0 on success or UBG_ERR_GROUP_INDEX.
int ReplaceGroup(LPCSTR pcszName, LPCSTR pcszFile)
Replaces a named user-defined button group with one defined in an INI file. Returns 0 on success or UBG_ERR_GROUP_INDEX.
int ReplaceGroupAt(int i, LPCSTR pcszFile)
Replaces a user-defined button group based at the zero-based index with one defined in an INI file. Returns 0 on success or UBG_ERR_GROUP_INDEX.