

Set all the paramter values. Before set parameter values need to set function and data firstly.


int SetParamValues(const vector& vParams)


[input] contains all the parameters needed for the fit function.


Return 0 if set successfully, -2 if fit function not ready, 1 if too few parameters, -1 if too many parameters.



  1. Prior to running the following example, the nlsf_utils.c file need to be loaded and compiled. This can be done from script with the command run.LoadOC(Originlab\nlsf_utils.c) or just add this file to your workspace.
  2. New a worksheet and import \Samples\Curve Fitting\Gaussian.dat.
  3. Copy and compile the following codes, and run "NLFitSession_SetParamValues_ex1" in Command window.
#include <..\originlab\NLFitSession.h>
bool NLFitSession_SetParamValues_ex1()
        Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();
        if( !wks )
                return false;
        XYRange dr;
        dr.Add(wks, 0, "X");
        dr.Add(wks, 1, "Y");
        dr.Add(wks, 0, "X");
        dr.Add(wks, 2, "Y");
        int        nNumDataset = dr.GetNumData(DRR_GET_DEPENDENT); 
        vector  vX1, vY1, vX2, vY2;
        dr.GetData(vY1, vX1, NULL, 0);
        dr.GetData(vY2, vX2, NULL, 1);
    NLFitSession    FitSession;
    // Set function
    if( !FitSession.SetFunction("Gauss")) // set function as Gauss, category name can be ignore
        out_str("invalid fit function");
        return false;
    // Set first data
    if( !FitSession.SetData(vY1, vX1, NULL, 0, nNumDataset))
        out_str("fail to set data");
        return false;
    // Set second data
    if( !FitSession.SetData(vY2, vX2, NULL, 1, nNumDataset, DATA_MODE_GLOBAL))
        out_str("fail to set data");
        return false;

    // Set parameters
    vector vParams(8);
    // the parameters of the first dataset
    vParams[0] = 5.58;                 // y0
    vParams[1] = 26;           // xc
    vParams[2] = 8.66;         // w
    vParams[3] = 976;          // A
    // the parameters of the second dataset
    vParams[4] = 2.29;                 // y0
    vParams[5] = 26;           // xc
    vParams[6] = 10.32;                // w
    vParams[7] = 102.98;       // A
    if( 0 != FitSession.SetParamValues( vParams ) ) // return 0 if success
        out_str("fail to set parameters");
        return false;
    FitSession.GetChiSqr(); // call GetChiSqr order to set parameter settings on internal fit object
    out_str("The parameter values before fitting");
    show_params(FitSession, nNumDataset);
    // Fit
    int     nOutcome;
    if( !FitSession.Fit(&nOutcome) )
        out_str("Fail to do fitting");
        return false;
    out_str("The parameter values after fitting");
    show_params(FitSession, nNumDataset);
    // Calculate fitting Y   
    vector      vFitY1(vX1.GetSize());
    if( 0 == FitSession.GetYFromX(vX1, vFitY1, vFitY1.GetSize(), 0) ) // get fitting y for first dataset
        out_str("Fail to get Y values");
        return false;
    vector      vFitY2(vX2.GetSize());
    if( 0 == FitSession.GetYFromX(vX2, vFitY2, vFitY2.GetSize(), 1) ) // get fitting y for second dataset
        out_str("Fail to get Y values");
        return false;

    // Add two columns to put fit data
    XYRange drFit;
    drFit.Add( wks, 0, "X" );
    drFit.Add( wks, wks.AddCol(), "Y");
    drFit.Add( wks, 0, "X" );
    drFit.Add( wks, wks.AddCol(), "Y");
    drFit.SetData(&vFitY1, &vX1, 0);
    drFit.SetData(&vFitY2, &vX2, 1);  
    return true;
void show_params(NLFitSession& FitSession, int nNumDataset)
    // get parameter values
    vector vParamValues, vErrors;
    FitSession.GetFitResultsParams(vParamValues, vErrors);    
    // get parameter names
    vector<string> vsParamNames;
    int nNumParamsInFunction = vsParamNames.GetSize();
    // output parameter values with names
    for(int nParam = 0; nParam < vParamValues.GetSize(); nParam++)
                int nDataset = nParam / nNumParamsInFunction;
                printf("Dataset %d\t%s = %f\n", nDataset + 1, vsParamNames[nParam % nNumParamsInFunction], vParamValues[nParam]);


See Also


header to Include
