Creating and Accessing an Open Watcom Resource-only DLL

This section demonstrates how to create an Open Watcom resource and access it in Origin. Topics include Using the Open Watcom IDE to Build a Resource-only DLL and Accessing an Open Watcom Resource-only DLL with Origin C.

Note: Open Watcom is a third party software and is not included or shipped with Origin or OriginPro. Open Watcom can be purchased or downloaded from the internet.

See the section Creating A Microsoft Visual C++ Resource-only DLL for a detailed discussion on the general process of creating a resource-only DLL for use in Origin. Topics include using the Origin Dialog AppWizard to create a Microsoft Visual C++ project, making other Visual C++ project settings, and performing various Visual C++ operations such as adding controls to your resource, saving your resource, and building your resource.

See the section Additional Resource Topics for a discussion of more specialized resource operations such as adding tabs to a tabbed dialog and pages to a wizard after the Origin Dialog AppWizard has closed, adding a graph or worksheet control (which displays an Origin graph or worksheet) to a resource, and manually defining (or re-defining) resource IDs in the Symbol include header file.

See the section Accessing Dialog Builder Resources with Origin C for a discussion of how to access Dialog Builder resources in Origin with Origin C. Topics include the fundamentals of accessing Dialog Builder resources with Origin C classes, handling Dialog Builder (resource) related events with an Origin C message map, and a number of example Dialog Builder dialogs launched and controlled by Origin C.