XYZ Gridding
Version Info
Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 8 SR0
Need to do before Running Examples
Prior to running the following example, the gridding_utils.c file need to be loaded and compiled. This can be done from script with the following command:
run.LoadOC(Originlab\gridding_utils.c, 16);
// File Name: XYZ Gridding.c
// Description:
// This example demonstrates how to convert different type XYZ data to matrix.
// Instructions:
// 1. Add Nag_utils.c to Code Builder Workspace and compile with this file.
// 2. New a worksheet and import \\Matrix Conversion and Gridding\XYZ Random Gaussian.dat,
// then run xyz_gridding in command window, will convert random xyz data to matrix.
// 3. New a worksheet and import \\Matrix Conversion and Gridding\XYZ Regular.dat,
// then run xyz_gridding in command window, will convert regular xyz data to matrix.
// 4. New a worksheet and import \\Matrix Conversion and Gridding\Sparse.dat,
// then run xyz_gridding in command window, will convert sparse xyz data to matrix.
// For more Origin C examples visit the Origin C Wiki online at:
// http://wikis/ocwiki/index.php?title=Category:Examples
#include <Origin.h>
#include <wks2mat.h>
#include <Nag_utils.h>
void xyz_gridding(int nRows = 10, int nCols = 10)
Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();
if( !wks )
out_str("No active worksheet");
Column colX(wks, 0);
Column colY(wks, 1);
Column colZ(wks, 2);
if( !colX || !colY || !colZ )
out_str("No XYZ column");
XYZRange rng;
rng.Add(wks, 0, "X");
rng.Add(wks, 1, "Y");
rng.Add(wks, 2, "Z");
vector vX, vY, vZ;
rng.GetData(vZ, vY, vX);
// examine data type
UINT nVar;
double xmin, xstep, xmax, ymin, ystep, ymax;
int nSize = vX.GetSize();
int nMethod = ocmath_xyz_examine_data(nSize, vX, vY, vZ, 1.0e-8, 1.0e-8, &nVar, &xmin, &xstep, &xmax, &ymin, &ystep, &ymax);
if( 0 == nMethod || 1 == nMethod ) //regular or Sparse
if( !is_equal(ystep, 0) )
nRows = abs(ymax - ymin)/ystep + 1.5;
if( !is_equal(xstep, 0) )
nCols = abs(xmax - xmin)/xstep + 1.5;
// prepare matrix window
MatrixPage mp;
MatrixLayer ml = mp.Layers(0);
MatrixObject mo(ml, 0);
mo.SetXY(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
Matrix mat(ml, 0);
mat.SetSize(nRows, nCols);
// do xyz gridding
int iRet;
case 0: // Regular.
printf("--- %d: regular conversion ---\n", iRet);
iRet = ocmath_convert_regular_xyz_to_matrix(nSize, vX, vY, vZ, mat, xmin, xstep, nCols, ymin, ystep, nRows);
case 1: // Sparse.
printf("--- %d: sparse conversion ---\n", iRet);
iRet = ocmath_convert_sparse_xyz_to_matrix(nSize, vX, vY, vZ, mat, xmin, xstep, nCols, ymin, ystep, nRows);
case 2: // Random(Renka Cline).
printf("--- %d: random conversion ---\n", iRet);
vector vxGrid(nRows*nCols), vyGrid(nRows*nCols);
iRet = ocmath_mat_to_regular_xyz(NULL, nRows, nCols, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, vxGrid, vyGrid);
if( iRet >= 0 )
iRet = xyz_gridding_nag(vX, vY, vZ, vxGrid, vyGrid, mat);
default: // Error.
printf("--- Error: %d returned ---\n", iRet);