Simple Report with One Table


Version Info

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 8 SR0


This is a simple sample to show how to report only one table.

// Run Datasheet_SetReportTree_Ex1 1, will transpose the rows and columns of table
void Datasheet_SetReportTree_Ex1(bool bTransposeTable = false)
        int nID = 100; // Each node must have node ID and node ID must be unique except the case described in [Note1] below
        // 1. Create report tree
        Tree tr;
        tr.Report.ID = nID++;
        tr.Report.SetAttribute(STR_LABEL_ATTRIB, "Sample Report Tree"); //Table title
        // TREE_Table attribute is critical in getting the report to work so must be present in every table level. 
        // Can set this attribute as 0 without any format, but many bits GETNBRANCH_* defined in oc_const.h to set table display format.
        tr.Report.SetAttribute(TREE_Table, nTableFormat); 
        // 2. Create report table
        tr.Report.Table.ID = nID++;
        tr.Report.Table.SetAttribute(STR_LABEL_ATTRIB, "This is a simple table"); // Table title. If not set this, will show as empty here
        int nSubTableFormat = nTableFormat;
                nSubTableFormat |= GETNBRANCH_TRANSPOSE; // transpose this table
        tr.Report.Table.SetAttribute(TREE_Table, nSubTableFormat); 
    // 3 ~ 6 is to add rows and columns to this table. But row and column is not real row and column 
    // since we can transpose table, introduce row and column here in order to easy to understand 
        // 3. Add one row to this table
        tr.Report.Table.R1.ID = nID++;
        tr.Report.Table.R1.SetAttribute(STR_LABEL_ATTRIB, "Row 1"); //Row label
        // 4. Add two columns to this table
        int nColIDBase = 10000;
        tr.Report.Table.R1.C1.ID = nColIDBase + 1;
        tr.Report.Table.R1.C1.SetAttribute(STR_LABEL_ATTRIB, "Column 1"); // Column label
        tr.Report.Table.R1.C1.dVal = 5;
        tr.Report.Table.R1.C2.ID = nColIDBase + 2;
        tr.Report.Table.R1.C2.SetAttribute(STR_LABEL_ATTRIB, "Column 2"); // Column label
        tr.Report.Table.R1.C2.dVal = 10;     
        // 5. Add the second row to this table
        tr.Report.Table.R2.ID = nID++;
        tr.Report.Table.R2.SetAttribute(STR_LABEL_ATTRIB, "Row 2"); //Row label
        // 6. Fill in values for the two cells in the second row
        tr.Report.Table.R2.C1.ID = nColIDBase + 1; // [Note1] For the same column the differnet row, the node ID should keep same. For example, the ID of node tr.Report.Table.R2.C1 is same as the ID of tr.Report.Table.R1.C1.
        tr.Report.Table.R2.C1.dVal = 15;
        tr.Report.Table.R2.C2.ID = nColIDBase + 2;
        tr.Report.Table.R2.C2.dVal = 20;
        // 7. Prepare worksheet window to report
        WorksheetPage wksPage;
        string  strSheetName = "Report Sheet";
        int nn = wksPage.AddLayer(strSheetName, dwOptions);
        if( nn < 0 )        
        Worksheet wksOut = wksPage.Layers(nn);
        wksPage.Layers(0).Delete();  //delete the first default layer  
        // 8. Do report
        if( wksOut.SetReportTree(tr.Report) < 0 ) // Returns last row number on successful exit and -1 on failure.
                printf("Fail to set report tree.\n");