Programming Control on Graph Object



Version Info

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin8 SR0

Programming Control on Line

void AddLine()
        GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();
        if( gl )
                // add vertical line and set position
                GraphObject goVLine = gl.CreateGraphObject(GROT_LINE);
                goVLine.X = gl.X.From + (gl.X.To - gl.X.From) / 2; // set the init position of vertical line
                // set direction, script
                string strScript = "type -a " + " \"X = $(vline.X)\" "; // set this script, moving vertical line will print out X pos to Command window.
                SetLineFormat(goVLine, LN_VERTICAL, strScript, GRCT_MOVE);            
                // add horizontal line and set position
                GraphObject goHLine = gl.CreateGraphObject(GROT_LINE);
                goHLine.Y = gl.Y.From + (gl.Y.To - gl.Y.From) / 2;        // set the init position of horizontal line
                // set direction, script
                strScript = "type -a " + " \"Y = $(hline.Y)\" "; // set this script, moving horizontal line will print out Y pos to Command window.
                SetLineFormat(goHLine, LN_HORIZONTAL, strScript, GRCT_MOVE);

// set line object properties, script, format, color, width, attach mode, direction...
void SetLineFormat(GraphObject& goLine, int nDirection, string strScript, int nExecMode)
        goLine.Attach = 2;// 2, layer and scale
        Tree tr;                
        tr.Root.Span.nVal = 1; // 1 to span over the whole layer
        tr.Root.Direction.nVal = nDirection; // vertical or horizontal        
        tr.Root.Color.nVal = SYSCOLOR_RED;
        tr.Root.Width.dVal = 3;
        tr.Root.Event.nVal = nExecMode;
        tr.Root.Script.strVal = strScript; // set script, run it after the Event specified by nExecMode
        if( 0 == goLine.UpdateThemeIDs(tr.Root) ) // 0 means no error
                bool bRet = goLine.ApplyFormat(tr, true, true); // return true if applied format successfully