Open Customize Dialog in Origin C

The Origin Dialog Project Template (odialog.awx) is only compatible with Visual Studio 6. This article will walk you through the steps necessary to make a resource-only DLL using Visual Studio 2008 or 2010. It will then show you how to use your DLL in Origin C.

Creating a Resource-Only DLL

Here is an example of how to build a resource-only DLL that is accessible in Origin C. After following these steps you will have a Visual Studio solution for building a 32-bit DLL. The next section will then show you how to add 64-bit support to your solution.

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or 2010.
  2. Select "File > New > Project..." to create a new project.
  3. In the "New Project" dialog:
    1. Select "Visual C++" templates.
    2. Select "Win32 Project".
    3. Enter a name for your project. For this example we will name our project "Welcome".
    4. Click the OK button.
      New Project dialog
  4. In the "Win32 Application Wizard" dialog:
    1. Click "Next" until you see "Application Settings".
    2. Set "Application type" to "DLL".
    3. Under "Additional options", check "Empty project".
    4. Click the Finish button.
      Win32 Application Wizard dialog
  5. In "Solution Explorer", right-click on the project group and choose Properties.
  6. In the "Properties Pages" dialog:
    1. Set Configuration to "All Configurations".
    2. Expand "Configuration Properties".
    3. Expand "Linker".
    4. Select "Advanced".
    5. Set "No Entry Point" to "Yes".
    6. Click the OK button.
  7. In "Solution Explorer", right-click on the project group and choose "Add > Resource...".
  8. In the "Add Resource" dialog:
    1. Select Dialog.
    2. Click the New button.
    3. In "Properties" Misc branch, set the dialog ID as "IDD_MY_DIALOG".
      Vs2010-add res dlg.gif
  9. In the dialog editor, add a Static Text control and an Edit Control to the dialog as below. Set the ID of the Edit Control as "IDC_EDIT1".
    New column.png
  10. Select "File > Save All".
  11. Select "Build > Rebuild Solution".

Creating a 64-Bit Resource-Only DLL

The above steps will create a 32-bit resource-only DLL. The following steps will show you how to create a 64-bit resource-only DLL by adding an x64 (64-bit) configuration to your Visual Studio project.

  1. Select "View > Property Pages".
  2. Click the "Configuration Manager" button in the top right corner to open the "Configuration Manager" dialog.
  3. In the "Active solution platform" drop-down, select New to open the "New Solution Platform" dialog.
  4. Set Type to x64
  5. Click the OK button.
  6. Back in the "Configuration Manager" dialog, click the Close button.
  7. Set Platform to x64.
  8. Change "Target Name" from "$(ProjectName)" to "$(ProjectName)_64".
  9. Click the OK button.

Now you can switch between making a 32-bit (Win32) and a 64-bit (x64) DLL using the "Solutions Platform" setting in the toolbar.

Using a Resource-Only DLL in Origin C

The following steps show you how to access the DLL created above, using Origin C.

  1. Copy Welcome.dll (or Welcome_64.dll) and the resource.h to your Origin "User Files\OriginC" folder.
  2. Start Origin and open Code Builder.
  3. In Code Builder select "File > New" to create a new C file.
  4. Copy the Origin C code below and paste it at the end of your new C file.
  5. Select "Build > Build".
  6. In Code Builder's Command & Results window type "DoMyDialog" and press Enter.
  7. When the Welcome dialog appears enter a message into the edit control and click OK.
#include <Origin.h>
#include <Dialog.h>
#include "resource.h"

// the file name of resource DLL
#ifdef _OWIN64
#define STR_DLG_RESOURCE_DLL  "Welcome_64" // 64 bit DLL
#else //!_OWIN64
#define STR_DLG_RESOURCE_DLL  "Welcome" // 32 bit DLL
#endif// _OWIN64

class MyDialog : public Dialog
        MyDialog() : Dialog(IDD_MY_DIALOG, STR_DLG_RESOURCE_DLL)

        int DoModal(HWND hParent = NULL)
                int nRet = Dialog::DoModal(hParent);
                return nRet;


        BOOL OnInitDialog()
                this->Text = "Welcome";
                m_editCtrl = GetItem(IDC_EDIT1);
                m_editCtrl.Text = "Enter a message here.";
                return TRUE;

        BOOL OnOK()
                MessageBox(GetSafeHwnd(), m_editCtrl.Text, this->Text);
                return TRUE;

        BOOL OnCancel()
                return TRUE;

        Edit m_editCtrl;

bool DoMyDialog() 
        MyDialog myDlg;
        myDlg.DoModal( GetWindow() );
        return true;