Layers Manipulation



Version Info

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 8 SR0


Following function arrange_all_graphs_into_one_graph shows how to copy graph layer from one page to another page and arrange multiple layers in one page using Origin C code.

Before run arrange_all_graphs_into_one_graph need to prepare a clear project without any graph window and then run prepare_graphs function to create multiple graphs firstly or prepare graphs that want to arrange in one graph yourself.

void prepare_graphs()
    string  strFile = GetAppPath(TRUE) + "Samples\\Curve Fitting\\Multiple Gaussians.dat";
    ASCIMP  ai;
    if(0 == AscImpReadFileStruct(strFile, &ai))
        Worksheet wks;
        if( 0 == wks.ImportASCII(strFile, ai) ) // returns 0 on success
            // loop all xy and plot each one in the separate graph window
            int nXIndex = 0;
            for(int nYIndex = 1; nYIndex < wks.GetNumCols(); nYIndex++)
                GraphPage gp;
                GraphLayer gl = gp.Layers(); // get active layer            
                Curve crv(wks, nXIndex, nYIndex); 

void arrange_all_graphs_into_one_graph()
    // copy layers from the graphs in vsGraphPages
    GraphPage gpAll;
    int nNumLayers = 0;
    foreach(GraphPage gp in Project.GraphPages)
        if( gp.GetName() != gpAll.GetName() )
                GraphLayer gl = gp.Layers();
    GraphLayer glEmpty = gpAll.Layers(0); // remove the first layer that already existed when page created
    // arrange layers to N * 1
    int nNumRows = nNumLayers, nNumCols = 1;
    page_arrange_layers(gpAll, nNumRows, nNumCols);
    // Combine all legends to a single legend on the first layer.
    int iLegendLayer = 0; //the index of the layer on which to put the combined legend;
    bool bAscending = true; //sort the legends ascending before combine into one legend
    legend_combine(gpAll, iLegendLayer, bAscending);   