Export Graph


Version Info

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 8 SR1


This example illustrates how to export a graph to the User Files Folder, with the "png" graph type.

To run this example, please run the following LabTalk script first to create the required graph.

// create a new workbook

// import file path
fname$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Curve Fitting\Gauss Lorentz.dat";  

// import
void export_graph()
  // get active worksheet
  Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();  

  if (!wks)  // get no worksheet
    out_str("Failed to get active worksheet!\n");
  // set data of data range by column 1 and column 2 in worksheet
  DataRange dr;  
  dr.Add("X", wks, 0, 0, -1, 0);
  dr.Add("Y", wks, 0, 1, -1, 1);
  GraphPage gp; 

  // create graph page

  // check if graph page was created 
  if (!gp)  
    out_str("Failed to create graph page!\n");

  // get graph layer in graph page        
  GraphLayer gl = gp.Layers(0);  

  // add plot with line type to graph layer
  int nPlot = gl.AddPlot(dr, IDM_PLOT_LINE);  
  if (nPlot == -1)
    out_str("Failed to add plot to graph layer!\n");

  // rescale the graph layer
  // graph page name
  string strGraphPageName;  

  // type of exported graph       
  string strGraphType = "png";  
  // full path of the exported graph, in User Files Folder
  string strGraphPath = GetAppPath(false) + strGraphPageName + "." + strGraphType;
  // export the graph
  bool bRet = export_page(gp, strGraphPath, strGraphType);  
  if (bRet == false)
    out_str("Failed to export graph!\n");