

Auxiliary Structure and Function

Data structure and function in this section will be used in our example code. Make sure you have included <Origin.h> and <Array.h> before running these examples.

#include <Origin.h>
#include <Array.h>
  • Structure used to hold data in our example code.
        POINTEX(int n)
                m_n = n;
                printf("Destructor, n = %d\n", m_n);
        int m_n;
  • This function simply set the size of the array as 3 with values {1,2,3}
static void _perpare_array(Array<POINTEX&> &myArray)
        // Add elements to the array.
        int                ii;
        int                nSize = 3;
        for(ii = 0; ii < nSize; ii++)
                POINTEX         *pp = new POINTEX(ii+1);

Access data objects

Append or set a object

This example show how to add objects to the array

//Method 1:
// add at the end of the array
void       Array_add_item_at_end()
        Array<POINTEX&> myArray;
        POINTEX         *pObj = new POINTEX(211);
//Method 2:
// add at any place, might replace other object if the place is occupied already
void       Array_set_or_add_one_item( int nToSet = 0 )
        Array<POINTEX&> myArray;
        POINTEX         *pObj = new POINTEX( 200 );
        myArray.SetAtGrow( nToSet, *pObj );//if nToSet is bigger than 2, Array will resize itself as to hold newly added object

Get and set an object

This example show how to get an object and modify its value

//Method 1:
// get object reference by Array::GetAt(int nIndex) and then modify this reference
void       Array_modify_one_item_1(int nToModify = 0)
        Array<POINTEX&> myArray;
        POINTEX&       obj = myArray.GetAt(nToModify);
        if( obj )
                obj.m_n = 100;

//Method 2:
// create a new object and set it to Array to replace old item, Array::SetAt will destruct old object firstly whatever Set Owner TRUE or FALSE
void       Array_modify_one_item_2(int nToModify = 0)
        Array<POINTEX&> myArray;
        POINTEX         *pNew = new POINTEX(100); 
        myArray.SetAt(nToModify, *pNew);

Get and set size

This example show how to get and set the size of the array

//////////////// Get the size of this list ////////////////
void       Array_get_size_of_the_array()
        Array<POINTEX&> myArray;

        int nSize = myArray.GetSize();
        ASSERT( 3 == nSize );
        POINTEX         *pObj = new POINTEX(20);
        myArray.Add( *pObj );
        nSize = myArray.GetSize();//nSize should be 4
        ASSERT( 4 == nSize );
        POINTEX         *pObjTwo = new POINTEX(22);
        myArray.SetAtGrow( 8, *pObjTwo );
        nSize = myArray.GetSize();//nSize should be 9 since we added an object to the place indexed as 8 and array resize itself as 9
        ASSERT( 9 == nSize );

//////////////// Set the size of this list ////////////////
void       Array_set_size_of_the_array()
        Array<POINTEX&> myArray;

        myArray.SetSize(8);// following code myArray.GetSize() should return 8 after set size here
        ASSERT( 8 == myArray.GetSize() );
        myArray.SetSize(2);// myArray.GetSize() should return 2 following this line
        ASSERT( 2 == myArray.GetSize() );

Storage relative

If set array as the owner, objects in it will be deleted when destructor of Array is called or on reducing the size of the array

//////////////// Set the list as the owner of objects' memory ////////////////
void       Array_set_as_owner()
        Array<POINTEX&> myArray;

        BOOL bOwner = TRUE;
        myArray.SetAsOwner( bOwner );//following myArray.IsOwner() should return true if this function is called successfully
        ASSERT( myArray.IsOwner() );
        bOwner = FALSE;
        myArray.SetAsOwner( bOwner );//following myArray.IsOwner() should return false;
        ASSERT( !myArray.IsOwner() );