Adding Tags to Imported Data and Displaying on Plots


Version Info

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 8 SR0


In this example, we use LabTalk commands to import a sample data, call an Origin C function to add event tags to the X column in the form of meta data, then after plotting the XY data, we call another Origin C function to draw those event tags as vertical lines with associated labels.

Saving Event Tags to X Column

This OC function save an array of X values and associated labels to the specified column in the User tree so that you can also view them from Column Properties

int putEventsInStorage(string strPageName)
        Page pg = Project.Pages(strPageName);
        if( NULL == pg )
                printf("Failed to get page named %s\n", strPageName);
                return -1;

        Worksheet wks = pg.Layers();
        if( NULL == wks )
                printf("Failed to get sheet from page named %s\n", strPageName);
                return -2;

        Column xcol = wks.Columns(0); // assume data X column is first column
        if( NULL == xcol )
                printf("Failed to get column\n");
                return -3;

        Tree trEvents;
        trEvents.Event1.Tag.strVal = "Jump1";
        trEvents.Event1.X.dVal = 72.0;
        trEvents.Event2.Tag.strVal = "Jump2";
        trEvents.Event2.X.dVal = 301.0;
        trEvents.Event3.Tag.strVal = "Jump3";
        trEvents.Event3.X.dVal = 460.0;
        trEvents.Event4.Tag.strVal = "Jump4";
        trEvents.Event4.X.dVal = 760.0;

        if( FALSE == xcol.PutBinaryStorage("TREE", trEvents) ) // TREE is the name of the User Tree
                printf("Failed to put binary storage into the column\n");
                return -4;

        return 0; // Success

Adding Event Tags to Graph

This OC function retrive the X column from the first data plot and find the stored event tags and add them as lines and labels

int drawEventTags(string strGraphName, int nPlotIndex = 0)
        Page pg = Project.Pages(strGraphName);
        if( NULL == pg )
                printf("Failed to get graph named %s\n", strGraphName);
                return -1;

        GraphLayer gl = pg.Layers(); // active graph layer
        if( NULL == gl )
                printf("Failed to get active layer from graph named %s\n", strGraphName);
                return -2;

        Column xcol;
        DataPlot dp = gl.DataPlots(nPlotIndex);
        if( dp )
                XYRange xy;
                if( FALSE == dp.GetDataRange(xy) || FALSE == xy.GetXColumn(xcol) )
                        printf("Failed to get X column from graph named %s\n", strGraphName);
                        return -3;

        Tree trEvents;
        if( FALSE == xcol.GetBinaryStorage("TREE", trEvents) )
                printf("Failed to get the binary storage from the X column\n");
                return -4;

        int nEvent = 1;
        string str;
        vector vx(2), vy(2);
        GraphObject go;
        Tree trFormat;
        TreeNode tnEvent;

        while( true )
                //---------- Get Event Node

                str.Format("Event%d", nEvent);
                tnEvent = trEvents.GetNode(str);
                if( NULL == tnEvent )
                        break; // no more events, exit loop

                //---------- Add Vertical Line

                vx[0] = vx[1] = tnEvent.X.dVal;
                vy[0] = vy[1] = 0;
                go = gl.CreateGraphObject(GROT_LINE);
                go.SetName(str + "Line");
                go.Attach = 2; // 2 = attach to axes
                trFormat.Reset();// make sure tree is empty
                trFormat.Root.Direction.nVal = LN_VERTICAL;
                trFormat.Root.Span.nVal = 1; // turn span on
                trFormat.Root.Data.X.dVals = vx;
                trFormat.Root.Data.Y.dVals = vy;
                trFormat.Root.Color.nVal = SYSCOLOR_LTGRAY;
                trFormat.Root.BehindData.nVal = 1; // put line behind plot data
                if( 0 == go.UpdateThemeIDs(trFormat.Root) )
                        go.ApplyFormat(trFormat, true, true);

                //---------- Add Text Label

                go = gl.CreateGraphObject(GROT_TEXT);
                go.SetName(str + "Text");
                go.Attach = 2; // 2 = attach to axes
                go.Text = tnEvent.Tag.strVal;
                go.X = (go.DX / 2) + tnEvent.X.dVal;
                go.Y = (go.DY / 2) + gl.Y.To;

                trFormat.Reset();// make sure tree is emtpy
                trFormat.Root.Angle.dVal = 45;
                if( 0 == go.UpdateThemeIDs(trFormat.Root) )
                        go.ApplyFormat(trFormat, true, true);

                //---------- Next Event


        return 0; // Success

LabTalk Script Using Above Origin C Functions

// Import a data file from Samples folder.
%Z = System.Path.Program$;
impASC fname:="%Zsamples\signal processing\step signal with random noise.dat";

// Put event data into binary storage.

// Plot the imported data.
plotxy 2 plot:=200;

// Update plot with meta data info.