Accessing Group Plots Format

Setting Grouped Format of Line + Symbol Plots

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin8 SR2

This example is used to set grouped format for grouped plots with Line + Symbol type, including line color, line style, symbol shape and symbol interior.

To run this example, please run the following LabTalk first to create the desired graph.

newbook;  // create a new workbook
fname$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Curve Fitting\Multiple Gaussians.dat";  // file path
impasc;  // import data file
plotxy iy:=(?,1:end) plot:=202;  // plot line+symbol
void grouped_line_symbol()
        GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();
                out_str("Cannot get the graph layer!");
        GroupPlot gplot = gl.Groups(0);
                out_str("Cannot get the group plot!");
        vector<int> vNester;
        // the Nester is an array of types of objects to do nested cycling in the group
        vNester.SetSize(4);  // four types of setting to do nested cycling in the group
        vNester[0] = 0;  // cycling line color in the group
        vNester[1] = 3;  // cycling symbol type in the group
        vNester[2] = 2;  // cycling line style in the group
        vNester[3] = 8;  // cycling symbol interior in the group
        gplot.Increment.Nester.nVals = vNester;  // set Nester of the grouped plot
        int nNumPlots = gl.DataPlots.Count();  // nNumPlots = 4 in this example
        vector<int> vLineColor, vSymbolShape, vLineStyle, vSymbolInterior;
        // four vectors for setting line color, symbol shape, line style and symbol interior of grouped plots
        // setting corresponding values to four vectors
        for(int nPlot=0; nPlot<nNumPlots; nPlot++)
                        switch (nPlot)
                                case 0:  // setting for plot 0
                                        vLineColor[nPlot] = SYSCOLOR_BLUE;
                                        vSymbolShape[nPlot] = 1;  // square
                                        vLineStyle[nPlot] = 1;    // dash
                                        vSymbolInterior[nPlot] = 1;  // open
                                case 1:  // setting for plot 1
                                        vLineColor[nPlot] = SYSCOLOR_OLIVE;
                                        vSymbolShape[nPlot] = 3;  // up triangle
                                        vLineStyle[nPlot] = 2;    // dot
                                        vSymbolInterior[nPlot] = 2;  // dot center
                                case 2:  // setting for plot 2
                                        vLineColor[nPlot] = SYSCOLOR_RED;
                                        vSymbolShape[nPlot] = 5;  // diamond
                                        vLineStyle[nPlot] = 6;    // short dot
                                        vSymbolInterior[nPlot] = 5;  // x center
                                default:  // setting for other plot
                                        vLineColor[nPlot] = SYSCOLOR_CYAN;
                                        vSymbolShape[nPlot] = 8;  // hexagon
                                        vLineStyle[nPlot] = 0;    // solid
                                        vSymbolInterior[nPlot] = 0;  // solid
        Tree trFormat;
        trFormat.Root.Increment.LineColor.nVals = vLineColor;  // set line color to theme tree
        trFormat.Root.Increment.Shape.nVals = vSymbolShape;  // set symbol shape to theme tree
        trFormat.Root.Increment.LineStyle.nVals = vLineStyle;  // set line style to theme tree
        trFormat.Root.Increment.SymbolInterior.nVals = vSymbolInterior;  // set symbol interior to theme tree
        if(0 == gplot.UpdateThemeIDs(trFormat.Root) )    
                bool bb = gplot.ApplyFormat(trFormat, true, true);    // apply theme tree

Setting Colors for Grouped Bars

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 7.5

The following example is used to set the colors of grouped bars. The colors are customized according to the column names. So, you can specify the unique color to the bar created from the column with the specified name. As the example shows, the bar created from the column named "N" will always have the red color.

To run this example, please run the following LabTalk script first to create the desired graph.

win -n wks ColumnColor;   // create a new window
wks.addcol(A);            // add column named A
ColumnColor_A[1] = 1;     // set cell one with 1;
wks.col1.type = 4;        // set to X column
ColumnColor_B[1] = 2;
ColumnColor_O[1] = 3;
ColumnColor_P[1] = 4;
ColumnColor_C[1] = 5;
ColumnColor_N[1] = 6;
ColumnColor_D[1] = 7;
worksheet -s 1 1 wks.ncols 1;   // select cell one of all columns
worksheet -p 203 column;        // make grouped bar plots;
void bar_color_map()
        GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();   // get active graph layer
                out_str("Cannot get the active graph layer!" );

        GroupPlot gpl = gl.Groups(0);   // get first grouped plots
        vector<int> vcColors;  
        int nPlotCount = gl.DataPlots.Count();  // get number of plots
        vcColors.SetSize(nPlotCount);      // set vector size
        for(int nColor=0; nColor<nPlotCount; nColor++)   // set color vector according to the column name
                DataPlot dp = gl.DataPlots(nColor);           // get dataplot
                string strDatasetName = dp.GetDatasetName();
                int nStart = strDatasetName.Find('_');     // find delimited "_", between workbook name and colcumn name 
                int nEnd = strDatasetName.Find('@');     // find delimited "@", between column name and worksheet index
                string strColName;
                // get column name
                if(nEnd == -1)   // workbook contains only one worksheet
                        strColName = strDatasetName.GetToken(1, '_');        
                else            // workbook contains more than one worksheet
                        strColName = strDatasetName.Mid(nStart+1, nEnd-nStart-1);
                if(0 == strColName.Compare("C"))                 // set color value one by one
                        vcColors[nColor] = 0;       // 0 = black
                else if(0 == strColName.Compare("N"))
                        vcColors[nColor] = 1;       // 1 = red
                else if(0 == strColName.Compare("O"))
                        vcColors[nColor] = 2;       // 2 = green
                else if(0 == strColName.Compare("P"))
                        vcColors[nColor] = 3;       // 3 = blue
                        vcColors[nColor] = 4;       // 4 = cyan
        gpl.Increment.BackgroundColor.nVals = vcColors;  // set increment colors

Setting Offset Individually for Grouped Plots

This example is used to set the offset of the grouped plot individually.

Please run the following LabTalk script to create the desired graph first.

newbook;  // create a new workbook
fname$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Graphing\Group.DAT";  // file path
impasc;  // import data file
plotxy iy:=(?, 1:end) plot:=200;  // plot line
void set_offset(int nPlotLTIndex, double xOffset, double yOffset)
        GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();  // get the active graph layer
                out_str("Please activate a graph!");
        GroupPlot grPlot = gl.Groups(0);  // get the first grouped plot
                out_str("Invalid grouped plot!");
        if(nPlotLTIndex <= 0 || nPlotLTIndex > grPlot.GetCount())
                out_str("Invalid plot index!");
        Tree trFormat;
        trFormat.Root.Stack.Offset.dVal = 4;  // set Stack to Individual
        trFormat.Root.Stack.X.dVal = 1;  // enable X offset
        trFormat.Root.Stack.Y.dVal = 1;  // enable Y offset
        if(0 == gl.UpdateThemeIDs(trFormat.Root))
                bool bRet = gl.ApplyFormat(trFormat, true, true);  // enable settings of offset individually
                        DataPlot dp = grPlot.GetDataPlot(nPlotLTIndex - 1);  // get the plot in the layer
                        string strPlotName = dp.GetDatasetName();  // get the plot name
                        string strLTPlotXOffset, strLTPlotYOffset;  
                        strLTPlotXOffset.Format("set %s -sx %f;", strPlotName, xOffset);  // set x offset of the plot
                        strLTPlotYOffset.Format("set %s -sy %f;", strPlotName, yOffset);  // set y offset of the plot
                        gl.LT_execute(strLTPlotXOffset + strLTPlotYOffset);  // execute the LabTalk command

To set the offset of the 2nd plot in x and y direction with 2 and 3 respectively, run

set_offset 2 2 3;

Setting special point format of one plot of group plots

This example shows how to access theme of one plot in group.

To run this example, please

  1. select 3 columns(XYY) to plot a 2d scatter graph
  2. select one data point of the 2nd plot and double click to open Plot Details dialog
  3. go to label tab, check enable to show the label for this point
void test_group_plot_special_point_format()
        GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();
        int                nCount = gl.DataPlots.Count();
        DataPlot dp = gl.DataPlots(nCount > 1 ? 1 : 0);
        //System variable @PGT: theme for plot in group, 
        //1 for using group theme (default, old behavior)
        //0 for using plot's own theme
        LTVarTempChange pgt("@PGT", 0);
        Tree tr;
        tr = dp.GetFormat(FPB_ALL, FOB_ALL, TRUE, TRUE);
        tr.Root.Points.Point1.Label.Size.dVal = 30;
        tr.Root.Points.Point1.Label.AutoFace.nVal = 0;
        tr.Root.Points.Point1.Label.Face.nVal = 2;
        dp.ApplyFormat(tr, true, true);