Options to Arrange


-s C

Syntax: window -s C;

Window system call to cascade all windows.

-s ch, -s cv

Syntax: window -s chn, cvn;

Tile windows horizontally (ch) or vertically (cv) in a certain sequence and then cascade each column. The tile sequence is determined by n:

  • if no n specified: tile windows by window activated order and then cascade each column. The sequences of the activated order is that the latest active window will be tiled first and the first activated window the last.
  • n = 1: tile windows first by window type, then by window name ascending, and then cascade each column. The sequences for window type is Origin Workbook > Excel Workbook > Graph > Matrix > Layout > Notes.
  • n = 2: tile windows by window name ascending(not case sensitive) and then cascade each column.
  • n = 3: tile windows first by window type, then by window name descending, and then cascade each column. The sequences for window type is the same as ch1/cv1 above.
  • n = 4: tile windows by window name descending(not case sensitive) and then cascade each column.

-s ct

Syntax: window -s ctn;

Tile and cascade windows. The tile sequence is determined by n, see -s ch/cv above for options of n.

-s T

Syntax: window -s T

Window system call to tile all windows by window activated order. The sequences of the activated order is that the latest active window will be tiled first and the first activated window the last.

-s th, -s tv

Syntax: window -s thn, -s tvn;

Tile windows horizontally (TH) or vertically (TV) in a certain sequence. The tile sequence is determined by n, see -s ch/cv above for options of n.

This example produces two graphs tiled horizontally while all other windows made iconized.

newbook;wks.nCols=3; //new wkbook with 3 cols
col(3)=col(1)+col(2);// fill some data

range aa = (1,2);    // define XYRange
range bb = (1,3);
string strG1$, strG2$; // local string to receive new plot names

plotxy aa ogl:=[<new>];strG1$=%H;
plotxy bb ogl:=[<new>];strG2$=%H;

doc -e o {win -i}; // iconized all windows
win -a %(strG1$);  // opens the two graphs
win -a %(strG2$);

win -s tv;         //and tile vertically