SetXYOffset (macro)

Computes and sets the minimum X offset (x0) and the minimum Y offset (y0). If the beginning X value or minimum Y value is less than minimumOffset*100 percent of the X (or Y) data range, then the minimum X (or Y) offset is set to zero.



Def  SetXYOffset {
      minoffset = %1;
      x0 = limit.xmin;
      if (abs(x0/(limit.xmax-x0)) < minoffset)       {
            x0 = 0
      y0 = limit.ymin;
      if (abs(y0/(limit.ymax-y0)) < minoffset)       {
            y0 = 0
      del -v minoffset;
      #!x0 =;y0 =;


The following script computes and sets the minimum X and Y offsets. If the beginning X value or minimum Y value is less than 10 percent of the X (or Y) data range, then the minimum X (or Y) offset is set to zero.

SetXYOffset 0.1;