Data Generation

Random Number Generation

Two functions in this category, rnd and ran() and grnd(), return a value. All the other functions in this category return a range.

Name Brief Example
grnd( ) Returns a value from a normally (Gaussian) distributed sample, with zero mean and unit standard deviation.
normal(npts, seed) Return a range with npts number of values. Examples
pattern( ) Return a range of patterned data, numeric or text. Examples
Poisson(npts, mean, seed) Return npts number of random integers having a Poisson distribution, with mean mean. Argument seed is optional.
ran(seed) Return a value between 0 and 1 from a uniformly distributed sample. The same as rnd(seed)
rnd(seed) Return a value between 0 and 1 from a uniformly distributed sample.
uniform(npts, seed) Returns a range with npts number of values. Examples

Dataset Generation

Name Brief Example
Data(x1, x2, inc) Creates a dataset with an initial value of x1, a final value of x2, and an increment equal to inc. Example
{v1, v2,}, {v1:vn}, {v1:vstep:vn} Assigns values to worksheet columns or loose datasets. Example
Fit(Xdataset,n) Creates a dataset corresponding to the fitted line generated during nonlinear fitting Example