Probability Density Functions (PDF)

Name Brief
Betapdf Returns the probability density function of the beta distribution with parameters a and b.
Binopdf Returns the probability density function of the binomial distribution with parameters nt, p.
Cauchypdf Returns the pdf of the cauchy distribution with location parameter a and scale parameter b, evaluated at the values in X.
Exppdf Returns the probability density function of the exponential distribution with mean parameter lambda, evaluated at the values in X.
Foldnormpdf Computes the probability density function at each of the values in X using the folder normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma.
Gampdf Computes the gamma probability density function at each of the values in X using the corresponding shape parameters in a and scale parameters in b.
Ks2density returns the 2D kernel density at point (x,y) with respect to a function using scale (wx,wy).
Ksdensity returns the kernel density at x for a given vector vX with a bandwidth w.
Landaupdf Returns the probability density function at each of the values in x using the Landau distribution with location paramter mu and scale parameter sigma.
Lappdf Returns the probability density function of the laplace distribution with location parameter a and scale parameter b, evaluated at the values in X.
Lognpdf Returns values at X of the lognormal probability density function with distribution parameters mu and sigma.
Normpdf Returns the probability density function at each of the values in X using the normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma.
Poisspdf Returns the Poisson probability density function at each of the values in X using mean parameters in lambda.
Wblpdf Returns the probability density function of the Weibull distribution with parameters a and b.