

prob = hygecdf(k, m, n, l) computes the lower tail probabilities in given value , associated with a hypergeometric distribution

The lower tailed probability:

P(X\leq k)=\sum_{i=0}^kP(X=i)=\sum_{i=0}^k\frac {{m \choose i}{n-m \choose l-i} }{{n \choose l} }


  • n: The population size
  • m: The number of success states in the population
  • l: The number of samples drawn


k (input, int)
the integer k which defines the required probabilities.
m (input, int)
the parameter m of the hypergeometric distribution.
n (input, int)
the parameter n of the hypergeometric distribution.
l (input, int)
the parameter l of the hypergeometric distribution.
prob (output,double)
the probability.