Power and Sample Size


Name Brief Example
ocmath_anova_powers1 Function to compute actual or hypothetical powers for a one way ANOVA. Examples
ocmath_anova_samplesize Function to computer hypothetical Sample size for a one sample one way ANOVA. Examples
ocmath_tTest_powers1 Function to compute actual or hypothetical powers for a t-Test independently. Examples
ocmath_tTest_samplesize Function to computer hypothetical Sample size for a one sample t-Test independently. Examples
ocmath_two_sample_tTest_powers1 Function to compute actual or hypothetical powers for a t-Test. Examples
ocmath_two_sample_tTest_powers_pair1 Function to compute actual or hypothetical powers for a paired t-Test. Examples
ocmath_two_sample_tTest_samplesize Function to compute hypothetical Sample Size for a two sample t-Test. Examples
ocmath_two_sample_tTest_samplesize_pair Function to compute hypothetical Sample Size for a pair t-Test. Examples