compares two 64-bit file times
LONG CompareFileTime( const FILETIME * lpFileTime1, const FILETIME * lpFileTime2 )
-1 First file time is less than second file time.
0 First file time is equal to second file time.
+1 First file time is greater than second file time.
// Note that the file c:\myfile.txt must exist for this example to run. int CompareFileTime_ex1() { string strFile = "c:\\myfile.txt"; if(!strFile.IsFile()) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(strFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); } } WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fileInfo; // Get the attributes structure of the file if ( GetFileAttributesEx(strFile, 0, &fileInfo) ) { int nCompare = CompareFileTime(&fileInfo.ftLastAccessTime, &fileInfo.ftLastWriteTime); if (nCompare < 0) out_str("Last access time is less than last write time"); else if (0 == nCompare) out_str("Last access time is the same as last write time"); else out_str("Last access time is greater than last write time"); } else out_str("Cannot get file attributes!"); return 1; }