19.1.2 The Peak Analyzer Dialog Box

The Peak Analyzer dialog box contains two panels (see the screenshot below): the upper panel and the lower panel.

The upper panel has a Dialog Theme control and a wizard map. The former allows you to load the settings from an existing theme or save the current settings as a theme file for future use. The wizard map, on the other hand, can be used to navigate through different pages of the wizard: you can click the page icons on the wizard map to go to any page. Note that the wizard map are color-coded to indicate the active page (green), a page that has not been visited (yellow), a page that has already been visited (orange), and the last wizard page (red).

The lower panel of the Peak Analyzer is used for tweaking the options for the analysis in each page of the wizard. The Peak Analyzer is actually a wizard that threads together a few X-Functions. Depending on the active page, different X-Function will be rendered in the lower panel. You can use the controls in the panel to choose the computation options.

There are a few buttons between the panels. The Prev and Next buttons are used to switch between different pages of the wizard. The Finish button allows you to skip all later pages and complete the whole analysis with the settings in the current theme file. The Cancel button, on the other hand, closes the Peak Analyzer without performing the analysis. The Hide Top/Show Top button toggles the upper panel on and off, while the Hide XF/Show XF button can be used to hide or show the lower panel.

PA DialogNew.png