29.9.14 Parallel Sets Plot

Parallel Set.png

Data Requirements

Select at least two columns of values or a range of values from at least two columns. Plot designation does not matter; selected columns will be treated as Y columns.

Creating the Graph

  1. Select required data.
  2. Select Plot > Categorical: Parallel Sets/Parallel Set with Weight.

For information on the customizing parallel plots, see these topics:


ParallelSet.otpu (installed to the EXE folder of Origin)


Origin supports three distinct parallel plot types:</li>

Parallel plot variations.png
  • The basic parallel plot (Plot > 2D: Parallel Plot: Parallel Plot), plots variables on continuous (numeric) scales and uses a color scale for the graph legend.
  • The parallel index plot (Plot > 2D: Parallel Plot: Parallel Index) also plots variables on continuous scales but uses a grouping column (a column of Categorical Data) to create the legend and assign plot color.
  • The parallel sets plot (Plot > 2D: Parallel Plot: Parallel Sets/Parallel Set with Weight) plots categorical variables on each axis.
    If you only have categorical data, to plot a Parallel Set plot, select Plot > Categorical: Parallel Sets to plot these flows, the width of the links between axes is decided by the link numbers. If you have summarized data(worksheet with multiple label columns and a value column), select Plot > Categorical: Parallel Set with Weight to plot and weight the flows, the width of links between axes is decided by the last value column.

When you drag and drop a column of values to a parallel plot, the new column will be added to the last.