Get the current value of the file pointer which is an offset from the beginning of the file.
LONG GetPosition( )
Returns the current value of the file pointer.
void file_GetPosition_ex1() { char szTemp[MAXFULLPATH]; GetTempPath(MAXFULLPATH, szTemp); // Get temp folder path. string strFile = szTemp + "\\test.txt"; file ff; if( ff.Open(strFile, file::modeCreate | file::modeWrite) ) { int i = 10; int ia[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; LONG lPosition; ff.Write(&i, sizeof(i)); // Write 1 int (4 bytes) to file. lPosition = ff.GetPosition(); // Position now equals 4. ff.Write(ia, sizeof(ia)); // Write 4 ints (16 bytes) to file following previous int. lPosition = ff.GetPosition(); // Position now equals 20. ff.SeekToBegin(); // Set file pointer to start of file. lPosition = ff.GetPosition(); // Position now equals 0. ff.Close(); } }