3.5.1 Axes Formatting

Version Info

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 8 SR0

View Axis Format Tree

To view scale, tick, tick label relative format tree.

Compile, and then run this function in Commad window will output format tree.

void ViewAxisFormatTree()
	GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();
	Axis aX = gl.XAxis;
	Tree trFormat;
	trFormat = aX.GetFormat(FPB_ALL, FOB_ALL, TRUE, TRUE);
	out_tree(trFormat); // output format tree
	string strSaveTo = GetAppPath(false) + "AxisFormatTree.xml";
		out_str("Format Tree xml file saved to "+strSaveTo);

Turn On Top-Right Axes

void show_top_right_axes()
	GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();
	if( !gl )
	Tree trFormat;
	// first turn on top-right axes with a separate ApplyFormat call
	trFormat.Root.Axes.X.Ticks.TopTicks.show.nVal = 1;
	trFormat.Root.Axes.Y.Ticks.RightTicks.show.nVal = 1;
	//assign node IDs to all nodes in trFormat, return number of errors
	int nErr = gl.UpdateThemeIDs( trFormat.Root ) ;
	if(0 != nErr)
		out_str("Fail to Update Theme IDs, theme tree has wrong structure");
	gl.ApplyFormat( trFormat, true, true, true );
	// then change settings can be done after needed axes are already turned on
		// Set the major minor ticks to In format for all XY axes
	trFormat.Root.Axes.All.Ticks.All.Major.nVal = 1;
	trFormat.Root.Axes.All.Ticks.All.Minor.nVal = 1;
		// Set the color of axes 
	trFormat.Root.Axes.All.Ticks.All.Color.nVal = SYSCOLOR_BLUE;  
	nErr = gl.UpdateThemeIDs( trFormat.Root ) ;
	if(0 != nErr)
		out_str("Fail to Update Theme IDs, theme tree has wrong structure");
	gl.ApplyFormat( trFormat, true, true, true ); 

Change Axes Titles

void ChangeAxisTitle()
    GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();
    if( !gl )
    Tree trFormat;
    //Text is an embedded data member of TreeNode class, but here Text is a subnode, use AddNode to specify it's a node but not a data member
   	trFormat.Root.Axes.X.Titles.BottomTitle.AddNode("Text").strVal = "MyX_Title";
    trFormat.Root.Axes.Y.Titles.LeftTitle.AddNode("Text").strVal = "MyY_Title";
    int nErr = gl.UpdateThemeIDs( trFormat.Root ); //assign node IDs to all nodes in trFormat, return 0 means success
    if( 0 != nErr)
        out_str("Exist invalid theme tree node in trFormat");
    bool bRepaint = true, bRelative = true, bUndo = true;
    bool bRet = gl.ApplyFormat( trFormat, bRepaint, bRelative, bUndo ) ; //apply format to graph layer
    if( !bRet )
        out_str("Fail to update graph format!!!");

Change Ticks Style

Example 1

void AccessMajorMinorTicks()
    GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();
    if( !gl )
    //nVal, 0:In&Out, 1:In, 2:Out, 3:None;
    Tree trFormat;
 	trFormat.Root.Axes.X.Ticks.BottomTicks.Minor.nVal = 1; //in
   	trFormat.Root.Axes.X.Ticks.BottomTicks.Major.nVal = 0; //int & out
   	trFormat.Root.Axes.Y.Ticks.LeftTicks.Minor.nVal = 1;//in
   	trFormat.Root.Axes.Y.Ticks.LeftTicks.Major.nVal = 2;//out
    int nErr = gl.UpdateThemeIDs( trFormat.Root ) ;//assign node IDs to all nodes in trFormat, return number of errors
    if(0 != nErr)
    	out_str("Fail to Update Theme IDs");
    bool bRet = gl.ApplyFormat( trFormat, true, true, true ); //update graphlayer's format
    if( !bRet )
        out_str("Fail to update graph format!!!");    

Example 2

void ChangeTickLabelColor()
    GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();
    if( !gl )
    Axis aX = gl.XAxis;
    Tree trXFormat;
    trXFormat.Root.Labels.BottomLabels.Color.nVal = 1; //  change color to Red
    int nErr = aX.UpdateThemeIDs( trXFormat.Root ) ;//assign node IDs to all nodes in trFormat, return number of errors
    if(0 != nErr)
    	out_str("Fail to Update Theme IDs");

    bool bUndo = true;
    bool bRet = aX.ApplyFormat( trXFormat, true, true, bUndo); 
    if( !bRet )
        out_str("fail to apply format");       

Modify Number of Ticks

void ModifyTicksNumber()
    GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();
    if( !gl )
    Tree trFormat;
    trFormat.Root.Axes.X.Scale.MinorTicksCount.nVal = 3; // auto add nodes and assign 3 to MinorTicksCount    
    if(0 == gl.UpdateThemeIDs( trFormat.Root ) )//assign node IDs to all nodes in trFormat
    	bool bRepaint = true;
    	bool bRelative = true;
    	bool bUndo = true;
        bool bRet = gl.ApplyFormat(trFormat, bRepaint, bRelative, bUndo); //update graphlayer's format
        if( !bRet )
            out_str("Fail to update graph format!!!");

Access Radar/Spider Chart Axes Format

To run the following example, please make a radar/spider chart activated first.

void AccessRadarSpiderChartAxesFormat()
	GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();
	// * Get format tree of graph layer
	Tree tr;
	tr = gl.GetFormat(FPB_ALL, FOB_ALL, true, true);  // Get format tree
	// Output the format tree, and there will be a node named NewAxes
	// This node includes the axis properties of the radar chart axes
	// * Get number of axes 
	TreeNode tnAxes;
	tnAxes = tr.Root.NewAxes;  // Get the NewAxes node
	int nCount = tnAxes.Children.Count();  // Number of axes
	printf("The number of axes in the active radar chart is %d\n", nCount);
	// * Loop all axes by using foreach
	foreach(TreeNode childNode in tnAxes.Children)
		out_str(childNode.tagName);  // Output the tag name of the child node
	// * Get/Set one axis' format
	// If don't know what format is available, 
	// just output the format tree to view all properties, 
	// by using out_tree(tr) like above
	// Here we are going to set the properties of 1st axis
	TreeNode tnAxis1;
	tnAxis1 = tnAxes.NewAxis1;  // Get the first axis node
	tnAxis1.Line.Color.nVal = 1;  // Axis color = red
	tnAxis1.Scale.From.dVal = 10.0;  // Axis from = 10.0
	tnAxis1.Scale.To.dVal = 30.0;  // Axis to = 30.0
	tnAxis1.Scale.IncrementBy.nVal = 0;  // Major ticks by increment
	tnAxis1.Scale.Value.dVal = 5.0;  // Increment by 5.0
	tnAxis1.Title.Color.nVal = 1;  // Change the axis title color to red
	if(0 == gl.UpdateThemeIDs(tr.Root))
		if(!gl.ApplyFormat(tr, true, true))
			out_str("Failed to apply format");