1.1.6 OA_Col-SetData


Put a numeric array into a Column.

Connector Pane

OA Col-SetData CP.jpg

Controls and Indicators

CI ref c.jpg Origin.Column is a reference to Origin.Column.
CI var c.jpg Data is a variant, accepts 1D array of data (numeric or string).
CI num c.jpg nOffset is the starting index to set array, default is 0, and can be -1 to append data to the end of the column
CI err c.jpg error in(no error) contains error information that occur before this VI or function runs.
CI ref i.jpg Origin.Column is a reference to Origin.Column.
CI tf i.jpg SetData is TRUE if the data was set successful or FALSE to indicate that the data was set unsuccessful.
CI err i.jpg Error Out contains error information.
Note: This VI is available since Origin 8 SR2.