1.1.10 OA_CreateOGW


Create a worksheet for saving data to an Origin OGW file.

Connector Pane

OA CreateOGW CP.jpg

Controls and Indicators

CI ref c.jpg Origin.IOApplication
CI path c.jpg Path accepts a full path of the ogw file that you are saving.
CI num c.jpg Number of Columns controls the number of columns in the worksheet while creating the new ogw file.
CI string c.jpg Sheet Name specify the name of the sheet of the new ogw file.
CI err c.jpg Error In contains error information that occur before this VI or function runs.
CI ref i.jpg Origin.IOApplication.Out is a reference to Origin.ApplicationSI.
CI ref i.jpg Origin.Worksheet is a reference to Origin.Worksheet.
CI tf i.jpg Save Status is TRUE, file is saved successfully, otherwise, saved failed.
CI err i.jpg Error Out contains error information.
Note: This VI is available since Origin 8 SR2.