1.3.1 OA FindMatrixSheet


Find a MatrixSheet from the range string, like [MBook1]MSheet1. If matrix book has only one sheet, then can just use the book name, like Mbook1. If the active window in Origin is a matrix book, you can also use an empty string to get the active matrix book's active sheet.

Minimum Version Required: Origin 8.5 SR0

Connector Pane

OA FindMatrixSheet.png

Controls and Indicators

CI string c.jpg Name specifies the name of the sheet that needs to be found.
CI ref c.jpg Origin.IOApplication is a reference to Origin.ApplicationSI.
CI err c.jpg error in(no error) contains error information that occur before this VI or function runs.
CI ref i.jpg Origin.IOApplication is a reference to Origin.ApplicationSI.
CI err i.jpg error out contains error information.
Worksheet2.png Origin.MatrixSheet is the sheet that has been found.