1.3.3 OA Mat-GetData


Get data as 2D array from an Origin Matrix Object.

Minimum Version Required: Origin 8.5 SR0

Connector Pane

OA Mat-GetData.png

Controls and Indicators

CI num c.jpg c1 is the index of first column to get, using 0 to start from the 1st column.
CI num c.jpg r1 is the index of first row to get, using 0 to start from the 1st row.
CI ref c.jpg Origin.Matrix is the matrix object from which we will access data.
CI err c.jpg error in(no error) contains error information that occur before this VI or function runs.
CI num c.jpg c2 uses -1 to indicate last column, or a 0-offset column index as the last column to get.
CI num c.jpg r2 uses -1 to indicate last row, or a 0-offset row index as the last row to get.
CI ref i.jpg Origin.Matrix is a reference to Origin.Matrix.
Double2DArray.png Data is the 2D array accessed from matrix object.
CI err i.jpg error out contains error information.