2.7.47 impMDF
Menu Information
Data: Import from File: ETAS INCA MDF (DAT, MDF)
If you do not see this file type, choose Data: Import from File: Add/Remove File Types...
Brief Information
Import ETAS INCA MDF (DAT, MDF) files up to version 3.0
Additional Information
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8 SR0, updated in 8.6 SR0.
Command Line Usage
1. impMDF fname:="C:\Sample.MDF";
2. impMDF fname:="C:\Sample.MDF" options.selectionmode:=1 options.rawdata:=1 options.FirstMode:=4;
3. impMDF fname:="C:\Sample.MDF" options.bStructureOnly:=1 orng:=<new>;
X-Function Execution Options
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
Display Name
Variable Name
I/O and Type
Default Value
File Name
Filename(s) of the file(s) to be imported. Click the browse button near the list box to open one or more files. Filenames will be listed in the box.
File Info and Data Selection
Show basic file information and select the desired data channels. See the Description part of this document for details.
Import Options
Set the import options in the dialog. Please see the Description part of this document for details.
The range into which to import data.
See the syntax of Output Notations.
Header Info
For outputting header information. This is hidden from the GUI. Use of this variable is not advised.
Repeat Import
For repeat import. Use of this variable is not advised.
Use this X-Function to import ETAS INCA MDF (DAT, MDF) files. INCA 5.4 (file version 3.0) supported. This also lets users import the data file structure without data, and then to use the reimport X-Function to re-import the desired data range.
Details on Some Dialog Options
- For more information, please refer to Details of TreeNodes in Import MDF.
- This first example imports the ETAS INCA MDF data file into a new book and renames the book with the file name.
- From the Origin menu, select Data: Import from File: ETAS INCA MDF (DAT, MDF) or run
impMDF -d; in the command window to open the MDF Files file browser.
- Browse to the folder containing your data file. Select the file and click the Add File(s) button. Click OK to close the dialog box.
- In the impMDF dialog box, expand Import Options. Select Auto Rename for File Name Options. Then expand File Info and Data Selection, and select the proper channels. Click Ok to close the dialog and import the file.
- In this second example, we will use script to import all MDF files under a specific folder (assume it is C:\MDFData)
cd C:\MDFData; // set C:\MDFData to be the current working directory
findFiles ext:="*.MDF"; // find all MDF files
impMDF; // import all found MDF files
- In this example, we will import the structure of the MDF file, and then re-import the selected data range using the reimport X-Function.
- From the Origin menu, select Data: Import from File: ETAS INCA MDF (DAT, MDF) or run
impMDF -d; in the Command Window to open the MDF Files file browser.
- Select the data file <Origin Installation Directory>\Samples\Import and Export\ETAS INCA MDF\ZZP164_CPSSW_3_MS_0_SREC_0_shot43_20060227_151554.dat and click the Add File(s) button. Select the Show Options Dialog check box and then click OK to close the browser and bring up the impMDF dialog.
- In the impMDF dialog, expand Import Options. Select the Import Structure Only check box and keep all other default settings.

- Click OK to import the structure. See the empty columns in the worksheet below.

- Now, highlight the first two columns, and then run
reimport sel:=1; in the Command Window to import these two columns.

Related X-Functions
cd, impinfo, findFiles, impFile, impFileSel