Show a file open dialog using the specified settings.
int get_open_box_by_file_group( string & strFile, LPCSTR lpcszGroup, LPCSTR lpcszTitle = NULL, DWORD dwFlags = 0, LPCSTR lpcszDefaultPath = NULL, LPCSTR lpcszDefaultFilename = NULL, LPCSTR lpcszCheckBoxName = NULL, int * lpnCheckBoxState = NULL, LPCSTR lpcszFuncName = NULL )
Number of files selected by user.
int get_open_box_by_file_group_Ex1() { string strFiles; LPCSTR strGroup = "CodeBuilder";// the same file group as in Code Builder file dialog LPCSTR strTitle = "OpenFileDlg"; DWORD dwFlags = OPENBOX_FLAG_MULTIFILES | OPENBOX_FLAG_USETEMPLATE; //allow multiple files selection and show template column on dialog LPCSTR strDefaultPath = ""; //empty, will use last used path as default path get_open_box_by_file_group( strFiles, strGroup, strTitle, dwFlags, strDefaultPath); out_str( "Files selected :\n" + strFiles ); return 0; }