Find Worksheet and Column names from a Curve.
This function should not be used anymore, please use DataRange::GetBookSheet method.
string curve_get_wks_col_names( const curvebase & cuv, string & strX, string & strY )
name of the Worksheet, will be empty if input Curve is invalid
//This example get the dataset name of the curve from current Graph. //For this sample to work, graph must exist in the project. void curve_get_wks_col_names_ex1() { GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer(); //Get the active GraphLayer of current project if(gl) { DataPlot dp = gl.DataPlots(0); // Get first data plot in graph layer if(dp) // If valid DataPlot... { Curve crv(dp); // Get Curve from DataPlot string strX, strY, strWks; strWks = curve_get_wks_col_names(crv, strX, strY); out_str("The first DataPlot in Current Graph: "); out_str("X: "+ strWks + "_" + strX); out_str("Y: "+ strWks + "_" + strY); } } }