Go to and select specified row and column
1. dlgRowColGoto r1:=10 c1:=2;
2. dlgRowColGoto r1:=10 c1:=2 wks:=[book1]sheet1;
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
It specifies the row number to go.
It specifies the column number to go.
It specifies the name of worksheet.
This is only available when you have selected one or more regions. It specifies whether or not to extend the selection from the last region that you choose. The default setting is 0.
This function is used to go to specified row and column. Please note that when you use Extend Selection, if multiple regions are selected, only last region will be extended.
dlgRowColGoto r1:=3 c1:=2 wks:=[book2]sheet1.
newbook; // Start with 100 rows and 10 columns of random data WKS.NCOLS=10; loop(ii,1,10) { wcol(ii) = uniform(100); } // Look for the maximum value maxval = -1e6; maxcol = 0; maxrow = 0; loop(ii,1,10) { limit wcol(ii); if( limit.ymax > maxval ) { maxval = limit.ymax; maxcol = ii; maxrow = limit.imax; } } // Use our function to select the found maximum range mycol=%(maxcol); dlgrowcolgoto r1:=maxrow c1:=mycol; // and color the cell wcellcolor color:=color(red); wcellcolor color:=color(yellow) type:=1;
Keywords:jump to