Import or export MATLAB cdf file with IIR filter coefficients
Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 9.0 SR0. This feature is for OriginPro only.
dfilterfcf fcf:= “D:\test.fcf” data:=6:7;
dfilterfcf operation:=exp struct:=sos fcf:= “D:\test.fcf” data:=4:10 format:=hex;
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
Option list:
This example will show how to import emg recording.dat into Origin, then how to use dfilter X-Function to create an IIR filter, and at last how to export it as an fcf file.
newbook; impasc fname:=system.path.program$+"samples\signal processing\emg recording.dat"; wks.colsel(2,1); dfilter -r 2 iy:=2 sample:=2000 wp:=200 ws:=400 abcd:=[<input>]<input>; dfilterfcf operation:=exp struct:=abcd fcf:=D:\abcd.fcf data:=4:17;
Keywords:infinite impulse response, signal, remove noise