Apply IIR filter using specified coefficients
Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 9.0 SR0. This feature is for OriginPro only.
dfilterapply -r 2 iy:=1!(1,2) struct:=0 data:=2!
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
Specify the input signal.
Specify the structure form of IIR filter.
Option list:
Specify the filter model data
Specify whether to perform both forward and backward filtering on the input signal.
The output signal after filtering by the IIR filter.
This example will show how to import emg recording.dat into Origin, then how to use dfilter X-Function to create an IIR filter, and at last how to apply IIR filter using specified coefficients
newbook; impasc fname:=system.path.program$+"samples\signal processing\emg recording.dat"; dfilter -r 0 iy:=2 sos:=[<input>]<new>; dfilterapply iy:=1!(1,2) struct:=0 data:=2! oy:=<new>!(<new>,<new>);
Keywords:infinite impulse response, signal, remove noise